Monday, November 12, 2018

The Disappearing Wife Mystery...!

Here is something that some of us may wish would happen. I wouldn't know because I'm single, ya understand. I can remember that there were times though...

Time Tunnel

In 1975, a man named Jackson Wright was driving with his wife from New Jersey to New York City. This required them to travel through the Lincoln Tunnel. According to Wright, who was driving, once through the tunnel he pulled the car over to wipe the windshield of condensation. His wife Martha volunteered to clean off the back window so they could more readily resume their trip. When Wright turned around, his wife was gone. He neither heard nor saw anything unusual take place, and a subsequent investigation could find no evidence of foul play. Martha Wright had just disappeared.

Now I'm certainly not insinuating that the husband did anything wrong, but this story just sounds a bit strange to me. Guess I'm just the suspicious type. BTW, this story came from Listverse.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. A tad chilly outside.


  1. There's probably a logical explanation, but those mysterious disappearances creep me out. Bit early for coffee. Hope to get more sleep a bit later.

  2. Hmmm. It does make you wonder...28° Here this morning so kitchen it is:))

  3. That sounds like a really lame story to explain the "disappearance" of ones spouse.
    Then again it could have been an abduction by interdimensional beings thru a portal opened by the back of the car...

  4. That really sounds a little suspicious to me. Wonder what transpired in the car before the husband pulled over. Hmmmmm. A tad chilly here this morning also. I love Rob's answer.

  5. Hey Sixbears...
    Yeah, the creepy factor on this one is fairly high.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Glad that you liked it, my friend!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    That sounds pretty cold to me. Cold front for us coming in later this week.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    I do like that possibility and will admit the "story" does sound a bit lame. Often the truth does, though.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    It sure would be interesting to know what all was said before the disappearance
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. Well this is weird, why was there so much condensation on the windows from going through the tunnel? So many questions good one for talking around the kitchen table with our coffee don't ya think.

    We went down to 34 last night cold one I had my heater on 60 and it went on and off all night had to raise it up a bit this morning.Still not as cold as the Ladies here but that's to cold from me. HOT coffee is a must.

  7. Hey Jo...
    As with all good mysteries, more questions than answers. That is what makes a good mystery, right?
    Many thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  8. ALIENS!!! That's the only answer that makes any sense!
