Monday, January 7, 2019

Angel Hair On Monday Mystery...!

I am always amazed at the sheer number of mysteries that we have absolutely no answer for, especially those involving nature. Here is an example from Listverse.

Angel Hair

Angel Hair is a rare phenomenon that has so far defied explanation. It is made up of silken threads that rain down on to the earth, but reach out to touch it and it will almost certainly vanish before your eyes. It is a world wide phenomenon with the most regular occurrences from North America, New Zealand, Australia, and western Europe. There is no known proof for what causes this substance, or even what it is made up of. Speculations are that it has come from Spiders or another type of silk-spinning insect, and even UFO’s as it has often been associated with UFO sightings. Because of its sensitive nature, it has been difficult to collect, and to analyse as it is subject to contamination from car exhaust fumes, and even human contact, which could skew the chemical results.

I would like to see some of this stuff up close, ya know...just because I'm the curious type. You believe that, right?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning.


  1. I have never seen this phenomenon called Angel Hair. Now you have sparked my curiosity and I'll have to look it up. Have a great day. I am off to the dentist for a crown. :(

  2. New to me. But then so was the story of the raining fish. You do come up with good ones, HJ.

  3. I figured it was floating spider webs, or something.

  4. Hey Linda...
    I don't expect that you will have a fun day then. Good luck just the same.Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I have read about it, but never seen it in person. Sure would like to, though.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Just trying to keep things interesting, ya know?
    Many thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    From what they say, they have ruled out the floating webs. Curious, I know!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. This is new to me to. So many strange and unanswered things out there.

    Very foggy out here this morning.

  6. Maybe that is why my hair is so white, I got bombarded by angle hair. See, I ain't old, I just have angle hair (grin).

  7. This is new to me but very interesting. I would like to see some also:))
