Monday, January 14, 2019

The Baby Carrot Mystery...!

While this really isn't a mystery, it does contain some information you might find interesting. This article was one I took from Listverse.

Baby Carrots Are Man-made

Baby carrots are the Disney characters of the carrot world. These veggies are small, rounded, and peeled. They also have that stunning orange color. Unlike larger carrots, baby carrots are considered ready to eat. Most baby carrot lovers do not know that baby carrots are just regular carrots trimmed into small sizes.

The first baby carrot was made in the 1980s when Mike Yurosek trimmed some of his broken carrots into smaller sizes. At the time, carrot farmers disposed of 70 percent of their carrots because they were broken or had unappealing shapes. Not willing to lose more revenue, Yurosek used a potato peeler to trim the deformed carrots for sale. They were a success.

Nowadays, farmers deliberately plant carrots for baby carrots. They harvest the vegetables before they are fully matured and trim them into smaller sizes. They will usually wash the carrots with chlorine before rinsing them in water and packaging them for sale. Farms say the chlorine is necessary to kill bacteria like E. coli. However, people have protested against the use of chlorine in food.

All I can say about this article is that I love the size and taste of these carrots. Just right for using in stews and soups, even though they are misleading about the source.

Coffee in the kitchen again. I made cookies last night, though.


  1. Once upon a time, you could actually buy the real McCoy, but the "waste carrot recycling" apparently pays better than soup, so now real baby carrots are a rarity.

  2. I love those baby carrots; use them all the time. Thanks for the lesson on them and thanks for the cookies. We're having a heat wave today - high of 36 degrees

  3. Seems to be the best way to get kids to eat them. They're small and cute. And good, too. A little early for cookies for me but I'll take a cuppa.

  4. Baby carrots are Factory Food? You can't make this stuff up!

    Some years ago I was trying gardening (we'd have starved if that was it...:-), one of things I tried was carrots.

    I made a raised bed, mixed soil, sand & organic matter, bought some seeds and had at it. Fast forward a bit & I had carrots!

    Ugly carrots... none of my kids would even try them. I should have carved them into a better shape...

  5. Hey Gorges...
    I reckon that even with food, pretty sells. Funny how that works.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    Plenty more where those came from.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm partial to them as well.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Like I said...pretty does sell.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Makes a difference when we see how food is actually grown. Most of what we eat isn't pretty to kids, I think.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. I like them for snacking and so did some of the grandkids I used to keep in the house all the time so much anymore

    Read for some coffee myself and of course your cookies

  7. Hey Jo...
    I think that the first impressions we give kids of all veggies will make them seem to taste better.
    Thanks for dropping in today, dear!

  8. I like them for soups also, veggie trays...I'll have cookie too:))

  9. Hey Mamahen...
    Guess they would make a veggie tray look more inviting, for sure.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  10. I wonder if todays kids really know what happens to the cow from the pasture to the hamburger they are eating today.

  11. Bubba, I love those baby carrots, too. Figured they were just picked before they got big, but never figured on them being whittled down. Oh well, still taste good to me. But I'd rather have a cookie ;-)

    Bug hugs ~

  12. Hey Dizzy...
    I don't think that info is taught in schools today. Sort of an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of thing.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Yeah, cookies are in a separate food group altogether, I believe. Kinda like chocolate, ya know?
    Thanks for coming over today!
