Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Cotton Candy Grape...!

I like grapes and bananas and apples and...well, you get the picture. Although my favorite is the white grape, I certainly would be willing to try this next one. I found this article on Listverse.

Cotton Candy Grapes

Photo credit: Live Science

People who like healthy snacks and carnivals can now enjoy a strange fruit—grapes that taste like cotton candy. Those who hate genetic engineering or artificial flavors can also breathe easy. This grape variety is the result of natural breeding.

Horticulturalists from California chose two species to work with. The first was a type of Vitis vinifera, one of the most common types in grocery stores. The other was a Concord-like grape. This variety is used in Welch’s jellies, juices, and jams.

Both are seedless varieties and cannot reproduce naturally. This forced scientists through an arduous process of extracting grape embryos, growing them in test tubes, and then planting them in a vineyard. It took about 100,000 test tubes before the Cotton Candy grape hybrid was born.

Packed with 12 percent more sugar than other grapes, the fruit was a hit when it became available to the public in 2011. The high sugar content prevents an old produce malady—fruit that is often tasteless by the time of purchase.

Wouldn't you know it? Now I'm hungry for grapes...go figure. They do go OK with coffee, though.

Speaking of coffee, we better have ours in the kitchen this morning. The cold is back.


  1. I have never heard of this variety but they sound wonderful...I'm on my way, save me a seat:))

  2. I do love grapes but only the ones that taste like grapes. Well, or massive snow storm is over for now but now we get the horrendous wind chills. Time to totally stay indoors for the next two days. See y'all in the kitchen.

  3. I like grapes but I'm with Linda. I like grapes that taste like grapes. Besides there's such a thing a too sweet. Kitchen sounds good. We're supposed to get wintery mix and the schools are closed as a precaution.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    They were new to me also. Have to admit, they sound good.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, that wind chill can be brutal.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    They do taste pretty good in their natural form, for sure.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. That sounds different enough & good enough to keep my eyes open when I'm out & about.
    It's a pleasant morning here, coffee outside is another good idea!

  6. Never heard of these grapes but I bet they cost plenty and grapes are already sky high. Then theres all that sugar!

    Late again but did lots of things already this morning, time for a break see you in the kitchen for my first cup

  7. I, too, have never heard of these, Bubba. But we do like grapes - green for me and red or purple for Hubby. And I remember your story about bananas tasting today not like the original, but we like the taste of today's just fine.
    Now I'll have to go make a smoothie for mid-morning snack, maybe with strawberries this time.

    Big hugs ~

  8. When I was kid growing up, we had a long grape arbor that resembled a green tunnel in the summer time. It had blue, red, and green grapes. Always enjoyed all three varieties back then. Now that I have to buy grapes, I usually buy the green ones.

  9. Hey Rob...
    I couldn't find them around here, but you may have better luck.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I have no doubt that they are expensive, but I might like to try them.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I like grapes of all kinds, as long as they are seedless. Bananas are a staple around here, and I eat quite a lot of them.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Another fond memory from the past. Green is a good choice as far a flavor, I think.
    Thanks, my friend, for the visit today!
