Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Exploding Flashlights...!

Here is an article about something you may not have heard about...exploding flashlights and the damage they can cause. Some food for thought here from the folks at Listverse again.


Photo credit: Meagan Fitzgerald/KUSA

In January 2015, Coloradoan Christopher Reid Carrington was searching for tools in the back of his truck. To free his hands, he held his flashlight in his mouth. A few seconds later, it exploded, causing third-degree burns to his lip, tongue, and throat. Blood gushed from his mouth, and he was unable to speak, but his seven-year-old son called 911. Carrington spent four days in the hospital, a tube down his throat helping him to breathe, before he was released. Doctors said he may never be able to taste anything again.

In a similar incident on November 7, 2017, in Bradley, Indiana, Caleb Joyner, 36, was injured when a flashlight exploded in his mouth. After experiencing car trouble, he’d stopped in a parking lot to look under the hood of his car. The flashlight exploded when, while bending over for a better look, Joyner came too close to the vehicle’s battery. He died the next day in a local hospital.

While these examples are very unfortunate accidents, there is an important lesson to be learned here. Use all tools in the correct manner, and avoid putting anything in your mouth that could cause damage in the worse case scenario!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Yesterday was sunny and dry with temps close to 70...but today they are calling for rain and possibly snow flurries! How do you go from 70s one day to snow flurries the next?


  1. I remember hearing about those. Guess my "Momma" taught me right - never hold a flashlight in your mouth. She also told me to never run with a scissors in my hands. Bad snow storm here today. Yuck!!!

  2. My hubby does this alot. One more thing for me to nag him about starting today...Rainy here, but the temps are the warmest we've seen for a few days in the mid 40's. They are saying snow starting again possibly as early as tonigh...yuck...I'll see e Ernie in the kitchen. Is it to early for brownies:))

  3. Stupid is as stupid does , I reckon.

  4. A new lesson learned here today. Althought I don't recall ever doing this I have seen men do it.

    This is such crazy weather 28 here this morning and maybe we will reach 60 for the high. So I'm thinking kichen and some nice warm coffee

  5. Hey Gorges...
    That about covers it all.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    nothing wrong with being safety conscious.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Go easy on him, please.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    Yeah, it is pretty common. I've done it myself before.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I reckon you're right.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    The weather is crazy lately, isn't it?
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  6. My Dad used to hold tacks in his mouth when working on something that he needed both hands. My Mom would scold him for that.

  7. I have three or four head lamps placed all around my life..I keep one in my coat pocket..I stuffed one in my wife's purse..

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Guess she thought that he might swallow one. Good thing he didn't.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Craig...
    Headlamps are a very good step up from regular flashlights held between the teeth or in the mouth.
    Thanks for dropping by today!
