Saturday, February 9, 2019

A Strange And Lonely Ending...!

Many older folks have a tendency to keep to themselves, but that doesn't mean that they want to be completely forgotten. Often the term is used " alone but not lonely" is used to describe how they feel. From Listverse, here is a story that is more or less along those lines.

The Twins

Photo credit: The Press Democrat

In a suburban neighborhood of Chattanooga, Tennessee, there was a well-kept house occupied by two elderly men. Neighbors hadn’t seen the identical twin brothers for some time, although the lawn was well maintained and the mail never piled up. Family members had last attempted to check on them a few years earlier but had been unable to gain entry. The pair normally kept to themselves.

When police finally forced their way in to do a welfare check at the insistence of neighborhood residents, they were met with an eerie sight: the skeletal remains of the two brothers, side by side in their respective easy chairs. They had apparently died as they had lived—in isolation.

And so they remained silently sharing each other’s company for over three years until they were discovered. No signs of foul play were found, which does nothing to make this story any less creepy.

Now I live alone, or I did until I let my oldest move in for a while, but I never felt lonely and I enjoy being alone. All it takes is a pet to keep you company. In my case, a cat does the trick just fine. Still, when I pass I do hope it won't take 3 years before someone finds me. That would be kinda sad, don't ya think?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I have some peach cobbler to share.


  1. Such a sad story...You would be missed by many if you were to pass. A couple of days with no post and we would start asking questions...with temps in the low teens the kitchen sounds nice, and peach cobbler yum:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    That's very reassuring, let me tell ya. I'm glad that someone would notice sooner than 3 years!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I wonder who mowed the lawn all those years?

    This is an interesting topic.... Billy Bob stopped blogging and it was over a year before he stopped back in, but he was living with family so I guess they knew what was happening. I wondered.
    I've followed other bloggers who just stopped.. I've wondered but what can I do but wonder?

    Tioga George passed & someone came online to tell us, Doug Begley of "Strolling Amok" kids' told us of his passing, Jerry Pournelle's family did a blog entry.
    There have been other bloggers who passed & word did get around that they had moved on.

    MrHermit, you blog everyday and would be missed!

  4. I read that story somewhere before so sad that it didn't accure to his family that they couldn't be reached. Like you my friend I live alone and I am not lonely but I do have family around who keep in touch with me and if they don't hear from me they act. And yes if you didn't blog for a couple days we would all be worried.

    It's warm this morning at 37 but the kitchen sound wonderful for some nice hot coffee and peach cobbler.

  5. I wonder how long it was before the second twin passed on? That must have been hard on the surviving twin.

  6. Hey Rob...
    My guess is that some yard guys were paid in advance to keep the yard up, but what do I know?
    I prefer when the family passes on the information and that happens in a lot of cases.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    It's always nice to have friends and family watching out for us, but from a distance. None of us want to be under someone else's control, I'm sure.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I was wondering the same thing myself. Pretty sad, I would think.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  7. I'm perfectly comfortable being alone. In fact, there are times I definitely crave and need it. However, I am blessed with a large circle of friends and family who stay in touch with me. Also, Of course, there is my lovely wife.

  8. Hey Sixbears...
    Mt friend, it is very good to see you here! We've been concerned about you.
    Good to have that circle of friends and, of course, family to look out for you. Not to mention the wife, who is certainly a valuable asset in charge of your care and well being.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
