Monday, February 18, 2019

Orb Spiders On Monday Mysteries...!

Not many critters in all of nature's collection are as mysterious as spiders. The very idea of spiders can cause many of us to get chills down the spine and shudder at the very thought of this scary creature. No matter what we feel about the spider, some things about them are very mysterious, as shown in this article from Listverse.

Orb Spiders Of Madagascar

The orb spiders of Madagascar are known for their unique ability to create gigantic webs. Their webs are so massive that they can wrap around a Volkswagen Beetle. Despite this, orb spiders are smaller than the thumb of an average adult.

There are two reasons why the orb spiders of Madagascar are extraordinary. First, their silk is stronger than that of other species. Second, they build their webs over running water like streams and rivers, which is something that baffles scientists. There are several theories but no conclusive data as to how they are able to do this.

In addition, scientists are perplexed as to why orb spiders build such massive webs. Does this mean that their prey is also gigantic in size?

I would like to know why they build such massive webs as well, but I'll just wait for the guys that study that sort of thing to let us know..'cause I certainly ain't gonna get that close to one of those ugly things.

Coffee out on the patio this morning, if that's alright.


  1. I'll just wait with you, Bubba, while someone else figures out the answers. In the meantime, how about some brownies to go with our ☕? Got some nice homemade ones sitting here

    Big hugs ~

  2. I don't know the answer but I do find spiders fascinating as the webs they build are so intricate.

  3. Hey Sis...
    I'll sure have a brownie or 3, thank you!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    The webs are pretty, but the spiders...not so much!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  4. Why that big a web? Because they can!

  5. Hey Rob...
    That's about the size of it. I sure won't try and stop them!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. I'll be happy if they stay where they are and they can build all the weds they want. Have enough spiders around here that build some amazing webs.

    Since yesterday was my birthday I have lots of goodies to share. A huge cheese cake with 4 diferent kinds, cookie from the restaurant, oatmeal rason cookies I made can't keep this stuff in the house lol

  7. Hey Jo...
    Sorry I missed your birthday, my special friend! Please accept my belated Birthday Wishes!
    I totally agree about the spiders, though...we have enough here in the states.
    Special thanks for dropping in today!

  8. Well, I will wait with the rest of you on the answer to this mystery...Cold and snowy here today, so I'm moving slow...I hope there is still a cup left:))

  9. Maybe, to get a web started across a creek, they attach a long thread to a high limb on one side of the creek and let the wind blow it and them to the other side where they grab hold of something. They may have to make quite a few swings across the creek to get started. Just guessing.
