Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Holy Goose...!

Many folks living around animals, whether it be in the city or in a rural area, will tell you that animals are attracted to and will try to taste anything that looks good. Jewelry, by it's very nature, is always a good target. Here from Listverse is an excellent example.


Photo credit:

In Illinois in 2017, a woman brought her six-month-old pilgrim goose to a local veterinarian. The woman explained that she always wore a cross-shaped necklace around her neck. But the necklace had attracted some unexpected attention while she was cleaning the barn.

Turns out that the sparkly cross was too intriguing for the goose to ignore. As the owner bent over to pick up something, the goose quickly snapped at the necklace—breaking it and swallowing the cross in the process.

After an X-ray was taken, the emergency that was nicknamed “The Holy Goose” was resolved by using an endoscope to retrieve the cross.

Actually, I'm thinking the goose was fortunate to go to the vet instead of the butcher. It could have been Sunday dinner instead of a patient in recovery.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning.


  1. Had a picture in my mind of the event. Put a smile on my face.

  2. Hey Momlady...
    Alwys glad to make someone smile!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Your right Sunday dinner would have been my choice. Wonder how much that bill was. But it did make me smile to.

    Kitchen is fine this wind is still hanging around here.

  4. I'm with the other ladies - Orange duck with retrieving the cross sounds like a good compromise.
    Big hugs ~
