Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Old West Ted Bundy...!

As long as man has kept records, there has been those that could and would kill others for no apparent reason. Mankind has always been that way, I reckon. From Listverse, here is a story that describes one of the earliest versions of a serial killer we know.

Stephen Dee Richards

Photo credit: Nebraska archives

Stephen Dee Richards has been called the Old West’s Ted Bundy, but in his day and age, he was dubbed the Nebraska Fiend.[2] He was a charming and well-spoken man. Unlike Bundy, Stephen seems to have had no preferred type of victim when it came to killing. He murdered a young man he had a disagreement with, and he killed a mother and her three children with an ax. He said of killing the family that it was no different to him than killing jackrabbits.

Stephen ultimately murdered nine people in total. He did not escape justice, however, and was hanged in 1879.

I reckon there has always been the crazies among us that would kill just because they seemed to enjoy it. Doesn't say much about the goodness of our kind, does it?

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning.


  1. Funny you should post this as I was just watching a show last night about Ed Gein, the infamous killer from Plainfield, WI. It seems the movie Psyco was written around Ed's killings and his mother complex. 5 degrees here this AM; sure hope it warms up sometime soon.

  2. Seems like there have been those since the beginning of time. In the low 20's here this morning. Strange weather this year. Supposed to be near 70 this weekend. Pneumonia weather.

  3. Hey Linda...
    He was the inspiration for several films from what I understand. Scary stuff.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I guess we have at that. Sad really!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Goes to show you there is not much really new other there in the human behavior department.
    Coffee inside today here too! And we're well into southern Florida down by Lake Okeechobee!

  5. Yes there will always be someone with no regard for life of others.

    Well friends just called campground is full have to find another one.

  6. Hey Rob...
    Killing one another seems to be built in, doesn't it?
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    How true that is! Sorry about the full campgrounds.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

  7. Seems some things never change...Winter still hanging on here, and hubby n I both have the crude that seems to be everywhere...can't wait for spring!!!

  8. I can't understand how people could kill other people and especially those they don't know. I have gotten very mad at a few different people, but never, ever mad enough to want to kill them. The only way I would kill someone would to be to protect my family.
