Monday, April 29, 2019

Canvey Island Monster For Monday...!

Here is a mystery well worth looking at, in my opinion. Why do I feel this way, you ask? Mainly because it turns out that there was a second one that washed up as well.

Canvey Island Monster

‘Canvey Island Monster’ is the name given to an unusual creature, whose carcass washed up on the shores of Canvey Island, England, in November 1954. A second, more intact carcass was discovered in August, 1955. The 1954 specimen was described as being 76cm (2.4ft) long with thick reddish brown skin, bulging eyes and gills. It lacked forelimbs, and its hind legs were described as having five-toed horseshoe-shaped feet with concave arches – apparently well-suited for bipedal locomotion. Its remains were cremated after a cursory inspection by zoologists who said that it posed no danger to the public. The 1955 specimen was described as being similar to the first – it was much larger, however, at 120cm (3.9 ft) long weighing approximately 11.3kg (25lb). It was sufficiently fresh for its eyes, nostrils and teeth to be studied, though no official explanation was given at the time as to what it was or what happened to the carcass.

Call it whatever you's still ugly as sin to me. One more reason I don't swim in the ocean.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. I have to agree it is ugly! I don't get to the ocean these days, but I still miss looking out over the water:))

  2. So it appears that H.P.Lovecraft wrote factual literature and not fiction. All hail great Cthulhu..............

  3. That is one ugly creature. Looks like a mutated frog to me. Yuck!!!

  4. Hmmm....aliens that didn't survive the landing? Results of atomic testing somewhere? Ewww/

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    To me it's "post card pretty" but in real life, not so much.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Taminator...
    There is often a touch of truth in all fiction, don't you think?
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Won't win any beauty prizes, that's for sure.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    My guess is that they were the results of atomic testing, like you said.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. That is hugely different! There is more going on out there than we know! A biped with gills 3-4 feet tall?

  7. I agree it is a mutation of something. Poor ugley thing.

    I was looking forward to the cold front the new weather keep talking for today well I would hardly call 71 degrees at 7:30am a cold front even after being corrected she still kept calling a cold front. See you all on the patio

  8. Really ugly, Bubba, and really big for a frog, if that's what it was. Thank goodness it was in England, not here. Although …

    Big hugs ~

  9. Hey Rob...
    Certainly qualifies as strange, don't you think?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I sure won't argue the fact that it is ugly!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping in today!

    Hey Sis...
    If I see one around here, I'm gone.
    Many thanks for the visit today!

  10. I am sure that there are things in this world that we have never seen before, especially in the deep oceans and the deep tropical jungles. I see things every so often that really surprise me.

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    Something new is always waiting right around the corner.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
