Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Tricky English Language...!

I've heard from many folks that the english language is one of the hardest to learn for people that are primarily english speakers. This little exercise from DidYouKnowFacts will show why.

“I never said she stole my money” has 7 different meanings depending on which word you emphasize when you speak it aloud.

Try it…

I didn’t say she stole my money – someone else said it.

I didn’t say she stole my money – I didn’t say it.

I didn’t say she stole my money – I only implied it.

I didn’t say she stole my money – I said someone did, not necessarily her.

I didn’t say she stole my money – I considered it borrowed, even though she didn’t ask.

I didn’t say she stole my money – only that she stole money.

I didn’t say she stole my money – she stole stuff which cost me money to replace.

I can see how it could get confusing when there are so many different ways this simple sentence could be interpreted, can you?

Coffee out on the patio one more time.


  1. Yes, I can see where it could be a bit confusing.

  2. Heck, there are people born and raised in this country that can't speak or understand the language. And, actually, we don't speak English, we speak American.

  3. English speakers eh? Coffee on the patio....

  4. Very confusing. That is like the spelling of certain words that are spelled the same but have different meanings

  5. Hey Lon...
    Glad I never get confused...right?
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    You bring up a very good point, my friend!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    No matter the language, that we can all understand, right?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    I know what you mean. Best we don't think about it this early!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. OK

    Now for some much needed coffee on the patio

  7. Hey Jo...
    Well, come on down, sweetie!
    Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. English is definitely a mess. Words from all over and grammar rules that were designed for other languages.

  9. Its been a crazy day and tomorrow isn't looking any better. Enjoyed the post as always:))

  10. English is a tough language. I can be mastered with a through, through and through approach, though.

    Big hugs (and a grin) ~
