Monday, May 6, 2019

What The Heck Is This...?

sometimes people find the strangest things and we all start wondering what it is they found. The questions always seem to be where was it found, what was it used for, and what is it? This article from Listverse is about one such object.

The Williams Enigmalith

In 1998, a hiker named John J. Williams noticed a strange metallic protrusion in the dirt. He dug up a strange-looking rock which, upon cleaning, turned out to have a weird electrical component attached to it. The electric device was clearly man-made and somewhat resembled an electrical plug.

The rock has since become a well-known mystery in UFO enthusiast circles. It has featured in UFO Magazine and (according to Williams) Fortean Times, a famed magazine devoted to mysterious phenomena. Williams, an electrical engineer, says the electronic component embedded in the stone has not been glued or welded into the granite. In fact, the rock probably formed around the device.

Many believe that the so-called Williams Enigmalith is a hoax, as Williams refuses to break it (but is willing to sell it for $500,000). Also, the stone device does bear a certain resemblance to heat rocks that are commonly used to keep tropical pet lizards warm. Still, geological analysis has apparently determined that the stone is around 100,000 years old, which (if true) would mean the device inside can’t possibly be of human creation. Williams is confident enough to let anyone research the Enigmalith on three conditions: He must be present, the rock must remain unharmed, and he will not have to pay for the research.

You just never know what you are going to run across on the Web, do ya?

Coffee out on the patio again today!


  1. Wow! That is strange. The fact that he won't allow it to be broken makes me wonder what he has to hide. Patio sounds good, Its 50° here this am....a little to cool for me to be comfortable outside:))

  2. Sounds fishy to me. Nice and warm here.

  3. Weird! Rather suspicious that he won't allow anyone to "really" examine tho. What is he hiding?

  4. If it was mine I wouldn't let anyone break it either. I might lower my price a bit though.

  5. I've read of people finding objects in chunks of coal but this is really different. An electrical engineer finds a 100,000 year old rock (that seems young for a rock but I don't know) with an electrical outlet in it.
    For a half a million dollars he'll let you cut it in half & see if it's real...

    Looks neat!

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    Sure sounds like he is hiding something, doesn't it.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Certainly something about it seems fishy.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Is he hiding something or just being over cautious.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Bob...
    Maybe he just really doesn't want to sell it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  7. Hey Rob...
    Sounds as though they have already dated the rock itself.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. Maybe it is a safe for hiding a key or something. You have to know the right combination of pins to push to open it. Of course a heat rock for cold blooded pets sounds more down to earth.

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    I would think it's too small to hid anything.
    Many thanks for thevisit today!
