Friday, August 23, 2019

A Chihuahua Snack For The Seagull...!

Anyone that has spent time on or around the coast knows that seagulls will eat nearly anything, given half a chance. They will steal food from your plate, even your camper. Worse yet, they love to snatch your bait if you are fishing. This report is a bit strange though, even for a seagull.

Chihuahua Snatched By Seagull

When they aren’t scavenging food from seaside picnickers, seagulls are generally predators, dining on crabs and small fish within close proximity of their rookeries. The seemingly fearless birds have even been known to attack passing whales, diving for a bite of live whale meat.

In July 2019, a family from Devon was distraught when a swooping seagull carried off their pet. Gizmo the Chihauhua was watching his owner hang out the laundry in the backyard when a seagull suddenly descended and carried off the small dog. Despite hopes that their pet may have been dropped when the gull realized it had snatched a dog, Gizmo has not been located.

Wildlife officers confirmed that this was bizarre behavior, even for seagulls.

Yep...I reckon ol' Gizmo is gone for good. Pretty healthy snack for a seagull, don't you think?

Coffee out on the patio until the rain starts.


  1. I guess even Brit seagulls like a bit of Mexican food now and then........

  2. Wow, never heard of a Seagull snatching a dog before. I have been attacked by Seagulls when visiting Rehoboth Beach in DE. Nasty birds if you ask me.

  3. Hey Taminator...
    Yeah, it would seem so!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    They certainly have no fear of man. Dogs either, or so it would seem.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  4. WOW I have a phobia of birds anyway, and to think of one snatching my little Missy just terrifies me!

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Unless you live close to the shore, your little Missy should be safe from the gulls. Sorry about the scare!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. That must have been one of the tea cup breeds, pretty sad for that lady to witness.

    Patio it is

  7. We saw surprisingly few gulls during our week at the beach. Unless, of course, some kids decided to feed one or two. Suddenly, it's a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds.

    I'm not crazy about gulls either, but love Taminator's view of Mexican food ~

  8. Hey Jo...
    Watching a pet being carried off by a gull is not a good way to start the day, for sure.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Doesn't take much to cause a feeding frenzy with them, I know.
    I appreciate the visit today!
