Thursday, August 1, 2019

Perfect For Freaking Out...!

You know that I am always looking for new and unusual things to post about...right? Well, this certainly qualifies, I believe.

Arachnid With Rabbit Head

Photo credit:

Scientist Andreas Kay browsed Ecuador’s Amazon rain forest in 2017. He encountered a tiny creature with a really odd look. The photographs showed something resembling a spider with a black bunny’s head. As bizarre and new as it looked, the species had been discovered in 1959.

About the size of a thumbnail, it was also not a spider but a harvestman. This type of arachnid is more popularly known as a “daddy longlegs.” Unfortunately, researchers don’t have much information about this particular species which is known as the bunny harvestman.

Little research has been done on the creature’s unique body shape, despite being known for decades. However, the rabbit look probably has an important purpose. The two false ears and false yellow eyes could be a way to deter predators.

Whatever the reason, harvestmen are exceptionally successful as a group. There are thousands of species, and they are older than the dinosaurs.

Now, I don't know about you, but this would definitely freak me out if I ran across one. I'm hoping that won't happen anytime soon, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio before it gets too hot.'s awfully muggy out there.


  1. That's a creepy little critter for sure. I just read an article about harvestmen today, but they didn't mention these guys. Patio sounds good:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    Seems like they would have mentioned them, doesn't it? Strange...
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I can say for sure I have never seen that species of spider. I am not afraid of spiders but that one is just way too creepy. I think it is the eyes that creep me out. Thanks for a good post this morning. Nice cool morning here. All the windows are open for now; hating up later.

  4. Hey Linda...
    The eyes are pretty creepy at that. Certainly a turn off for me. The shape of the head doesn't help matters.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. OK I don't see a rabbit, I see a black dog. Well I haven't had any coffee yet either. So I better head on over to the patio and fix this problem.

  6. I am with JO, I see a Scotty dog.

  7. I, too, see a dog's head rather than a bunny's. I actually think it's kinda cute.
