Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Little Food For Thought...

I want to tell you about something that has been going on in my life for about a month now...and I realize that in telling this, I will come across as some sort of nutcase. So be has happened and I feel that talking about it will help me to understand it a little better.

Sometime back, I started to hear voices...not talking to me, but rather just like hearing bits and pieces of someone else's conversations. They were always quiet and sometimes so faint that I could barely hear them at all. This didn't happen all the time or at any particular time of day or night. I never felt threatened or bothered by them once I realized that they just there...and that I couldn't explain them.

Then about a week ago, I heard a knocking on the wall just to my left while sitting at my desk. At first I thought this was someone knocking at my door, but when I turned and looked at the door, there was no one there! I turned back to the computer and resumed working...when I heard the soft knocking again, but this time I could tell where they were coming from. I went outside to make sure that nothing was banging on my outside wall and it wasn't! Back inside, I thought about it for a minute and then I just accepted it for what it unexplained noise. Once again I felt no fear nor did I feel threatened in anyway! Just one of those things, ya know?

However, last night something happened that sort of startled me a bit...and I have to admit to a certain feeling of uncertainty about this one.
Sitting at the computer, I was looking at the screen and on the right side of the screen, I saw the reflection of someone moving across the room. This was the reflection of a solid object...I saw no light pass thru it and heard no noise associated with it. As I live alone and no one else was in the room, I turned and looked to see who had come in. Not hurrying or really even thinking about it yet, I looked and sure enough there was nothing there! Then I realized that I had actually seen something, not heard bits and pieces of some talking, or heard some strange knocking, but actually seen the reflection of something!

I felt that I should leave the room for a bit and catch my breath, although I was not frightened but rather truly startled. Feeling as though I should tell someone about this I walked over to my Mother's house and told her about it. I should have been expecting the reaction, but even as used to human nature as I am, I was not!

It seems that the reason I hear these things and see these things have one basic cause in common...I live alone! If I quit living alone, I wouldn't hear these strange noises. If I went to a lot of public places and went to a lot of parties and had friends over all the time and got involved with anything that included being large crowds of people...all would be well and I would not be crazy anymore! I stood there dumbfounded for a minute and then said " I would rather live with ghost the rest of my life than deliberately put myself in the middle of a large crowd of people again!"

I'll take friendly ghost over unfriendly Goblins ( mostly human!) every time! I will also keep my experiences to myself from now on...let's go have some coffee!

1 comment:

  1. If you hear ghosts because you live alone in the suburbs, imagine what you'll hear when you live alone in the woods. :-D
