Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday and Cold...

Well, it finally decided to turn into Winter here in the big city! At least cold for here...not like in Colorado where Blondie lives and certainly not like where J.S. lives...those guys live in the big snow country! My idea of cold and their's would be totally different, I'm sure. To me, cold is 30's and 40's with a wind coming off the gulf! The only good thing about this weather is that it doesn't last long...

The reason that I mention these two individuals is because both are bloggers, and I have picked up a lot of really good and interesting information from reading their blogs. In fact, these are the only blogs that I read on a regular basis. If you want to be well informed and entertained at the same time, may I suggest that you read the offerings from Blondie and from J.S....I think you'll be glad you did.

Made my first major mistake of the year today...I ran out of COFFEE! Can you believe that? I couldn't about starting the New Year off with a bad move, and this is a perfect example!

Road trip first thing tomorrow...gotta have my coffee! Don't worry, I get enough to drop on by if you want, OK? OK!

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