Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Little Rant...

I have to get this off my chest so I can stay sane (?) for the rest of the day! In my wanderings around the web visiting some sites that I get paid to visit, I was assaulted several times by the rudeness of some sites! Picture click on a web site. You know ahead of time that you are going to get a sales pitch, after all that's why they pay you to visit. However, besides the written page they throw in a couple of sales killing tricks guaranteed to alienate anyone halfway interested! The first is LOUD built-in audio that automatically kicks in...but the rude part is that there is no way to click it off. No pause, no stop options, no menu at all! Then they add a SECOND audio on top of you are listening to 2 of them! And finally the topper...a fly-in, or pop-up, or slide-in, or drop-in or one of those type of things that totally block the page you might have read if not for all the distractions! Get my point?

Just my opinion, but the sales pages I have always been most likely to read are the simple, straight forward pages with no tricks or loud automatic audio with no cut off options. And while I'm at it, please stop using the term "GROW your business" " GROW your income" and that sort of thing! If you want to GROW something, then GROW interested in GROWING your garden and flowers, and then GROW attracted to the single neighbor lady (or gentleman) down the street, and then you can spend the next few years GROWING used to one another! See the difference?

Enough for time! I feel better now that I've spouted off a bit! Back later...

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