Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday again...

Or Aloha Friday, as Blondie likes to say on her blog. Hope it's warm where you are, cause it's COLD here...cold and rainy! 39 degrees last I looked and the rain makes it seem even colder. Certainly a good day to stay inside and sip on something warm.

Well, I have garnered another 27,000 + points at NetWinners, which means I can add $25.00 to the MasterCard I won when I get it, or I can use the points to get a gift card to one of the many vendors Barnes and Nobles (can you say NEW BOOKS?). That is what I'll probably new books! Doesn't really take too long to add up the points when you have over 30 sites to play at. By the way, once you join at one of the sites, you are a member at all of them. Makes it pretty handy, huh? Why not go to the site and look at the prizes offered...?

My Mother is now 82 and her Gentleman Friend is 95...on Fridays they get together and go to what they call the "old folk's home" to call bingo for the residents there. Then the two of them go out to eat and end up back at my Mother's house to play cards until around 9:00 or 10:00 pm. Normally Fred would drive himself, but a while back he fell and broke his hip and arm. The irony of this is that he had just purchased a new car, and was at the dealership to have a 2 week inspection done on it. That's where he fell...and the doctor's won't let him drive just yet which is driving him crazy! Mom can't see well enough at night to drive safely, so I volunteered to go with her to take Fred home tonight and do the driving. My token good deed for the day!

I'm glad to say that 10dollarswonder and e2epay both are rocking right along, regular as clock work! In fact, I just bought another position in e2epay. Glad something is working right!

Coffee time for me...second pot of the day! Seems to be the thing to do with the rain hanging around so long. Ya'll stay warm now, ya hear...?

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