Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday thoughts...

A couple of things I was reminded of today that I want to pass on...basic things, but very important to remember!
1) Never, never use white vinegar to clean your coffee maker at 5:00 am unless you are awake enough to rinse said coffee maker well. Very, very well! Trust me on this!
2) The steam rising from the freshly poured cup of coffee is probably a good indication that the coffee is HOT! Very, very hot! Again, take my word for it!
3) Almost a sure-fire way to guarantee you will spill some of the freshly poured, vinegar flavored, extremely hot coffee on yourself is to put on anything white!
4) This one I should know from years of experience. Never, never have that third cup of coffee when you are on your way to a place you KNOW you are going to stand in line for an extended length of time! The results of this can definitely ruin the rest of your day!

Oh, and one more thing I might mention just in passing...toll booth operators have absolutely NO sense of humor at 6:00 in the morning when you offer them a twenty for a $1.50 toll, even if it's in jest! So be forewarned, OK? OK!


  1. Good advice Hermit :)
    I usually add a bit of cold water to that first cup. Then refill before empty so it's a bit cooler and doesn't burn my tongue.
    That vinegar stinks up the whole house too. hehehe

  2. Thanks for the comment, Blondie...wasn't what I started to write, but decided to keep it light instead. Sounds like you have a new best friend in that Blankey, huh?

