Sunday, April 20, 2008

Feels Like A Sunday, Looks Like Spring !

Sort of sounds like a song title, doesn't it? Well, in a way it is. The song of life! Every day should have that certain feel to it that Sunday seems to carry. Peaceful, serene, calming to the inner self. And every day should, in some fashion, look like Spring! Mother Nature does her best to always give us a little glimpse of beauty in each and every day. It is up to us to find it, notice it and appreciate it!

Certain people can help us to notice the really nice things that are abundant around us. Just thinking about these people can trigger a flood of memories filled with almost-forgotten songs, one time favorite places, simple joys we found in things like holding hands and first kisses. Remember taking long walks with someone and never even saying a word? Remember those quiet talks in low voices? Remember the butterflies in the tummy feeling when certain people would just come into the room? That's what I mean by Sunday feelings!

Sometimes we can get those Sunday feelings from our friends on the net...special friends that we may have never even met! Friends that have a special way of just making everything better by merely showing up. They can brighten our day, lighten our load and help us find that Sunday feeling when we need it the most!

I am blessed to have a few of these special friends. Although we are scattered all around the world, just hearing from them from time to time helps make things better. Some of these special people I have known for a fair amount of musical friend in New Zealand, my hard working friend in the Dakotas, my friend from Tennessee who always has nice things to say, my critter-loving friend in Colorado who will share a laugh at the drop of a hat, and then there is my longtime net friend from the Yukon. When she drops by to visit, she brightens the day like a gold nugget in the mud.

Yes, these special friends are all, I have never met any of them in person. How well do I know them? I know all I need to know...they all make me feel better. They can make me smile. They lighten my load and sometimes they share my burden! In short, they all give me that Sunday feeling! God Bless Them All!

Come on, let's go get some fresh coffee...and think some Spring thoughts!

Drawing by Jeff Bucchino


  1. Hello - it is late in the day and I am reading your Sunday nice thoughts.For me spring has decided to bring much white stuff which is great for moisture but so bad for those who have to travel. And no one that I know of travels by sleigh except for Santa and he is busy getting ready for next year. So...guess I'll go have a hot chocolate, have a good rest and see what Monday brings.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Myrna...thanks for dropping by! Always glad to see my friends come by and check on me. I don't really care for the snow or the cold as far as that goes. Much prefer the Sun and maybe a little rain...enjoy the hot chocolate and thanks again for the visit. See ya!


  4. What a beautiful post Jim.

    I think you should not write anything today so that all of your friends won't miss this very special one.

    Thanks for the Spring Thoughts and the memories. You're a very sweet man. Wish there were more like you, (smile)


  5. Blondie...thanks for dropping by! Always makes me feel better. And thanks for the kind comments,as always they are appreciated!

    Are ya gonna miss having Lou Dog around every day? Bet she will miss being there just as much!


  6. Yeah, I miss her already. And feel bad cause she's still a 'kid' and is caged during the day.
    First time they tried to leave her out in the house all day, they came home to their mattress in pieces all over the house. No more freedom for Louis! Maybe 1 more year?? lol

  7. Jim,
    I think I have already told you that you are my kind of man...and, no, I'm not looking for one, I have mine. I just think you are quite a special one, and you should know it. I read your post about Mothers, too, and I think yours must be extra special...she sure raised you right.
    Just wanted you to know,
    aka meltcat

  8. Hey are ya? Thanks for dropping by and for the nice comments. I'm always glad when people enjoy reading something that I wrote! Being a self proclaimed Hermit, I'm always amazed how nice folks can be and how fast friendships can start just by the lost art of communication. I think that a lot of problems could be avoided if we all just talked less and listen more! Just my opinion...

    Thanks again
