Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Morning Update...!

I can I have an update when I haven't made a post yet? Just cause! Seemed like what I should name it, OK? Anyway, I know that I have been sloppy about getting a business update out, so thought I should do so this morning.

First of all, 10DollarsWonder ! This program just keeps on going and going. I have enough faith in 10dw that I am getting more positions today! Plus, I am constantly getting notified that my referrals are adding more to their accounts as well. Thanks know who you are! We are still waiting for the final move of accounts from E2Epay to 10DollarsWonder...but it will come! It will come...!

This next gem is a program I don't talk about much. Sort of got so used to them just doing what they do that I forget I should give everybody a chance to look it over. Clixsense is the name and they have paid me every month regular as clock work. The check is not much, but then I don't promote the program like I should! Still, something is better than nothing, right?

Now I could lie to you and tell you that I am a great recruiter and work hard at marketing...but I won't. Marketing and advertising is a time consuming affair, even free ads...and I don't use even a good portion of the excellent venues available to place ads. I might suggest to you that if you want a really GOOD list of marketing opportunities, check out the comprehensive list that JS has put together on his site at 9planetreviews. Very good information...

Blondie has a good supply of places as well, and you should check out her blog right here. Blondie has been doing this for a number of years, and as I've said before...if you follow the lead of JS and Blondie , then more than likely you'll come out a winner!

I would like to extend my personal invite to a couple of programs that I am presently working...and that I have been pleased with so far. TrafficEra and DrivenRapidWealth are both proving to be good venues for plugging your opportunity, whatever it is. TrafficEra is also a lot of fun to surf because of the Team Talk feature. Surfing is so much more enjoyable when you can chat with your buddies while taking care of business, ya know? And DRW is a good place to make some extra money at the same time...

While you are out there looking around, be sure to go by Quassia. This rather unique site is another excellent place to promote those opportunities and hone some of your writing skills as well (if you are like me and need the practise)!

I have a much larger group of programs that I'm working, but at this time I don't really want to pass them on, as some of them are not as productive as they should be. More on that at a later date...

Well, that's all for now. Coffee time for me...after all, it's Saturday and that means all the good cartoons come on early and then tonight...Monster Movies!!

Oh sorry, that was a flashback to when I was younger! At least I'm still young at heart, right?
Want to join me in a fresh cup?

Cartoons by Jeff Bucchino

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