Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let's Talk About Our Mothers...!

I have to tell you a story about my Mother. True story...and she already knows I'm putting it in here. That means that I won't get into trouble for telling it! It's always better to cover your a**, no matter how old you are, ya know?

My Mother recently started breaking out with little red bumps all over her back and arms. At first, she thought it must have been flea bites from her cat. But the cat had no fleas and there weren't any signs of fleas in the carpet, her bed or in the yard. Remembering that she had just started taking a new prescription, Mom wondered if it could be an allergic reaction to the medicine. The itching finally got so bad, she went to the doctor's office and they gave her some cream to put on it.

Now just to be sure, Mom decided to take her cat to the vet and have her looked at for any infestation. After the cat's check-up, Mom asked if Amy The Cat needed any treatment for fleas. The vet said "No, but we are giving her something to make sure that she doesn't get the rash that you have!" Now I kid my Mother about going to the vet to get treated for her rash, even though it wasn't the way that she thought! Pretty funny to me...

By the way, Mothers' Day is coming up on the 11th of May, so don't forget! The very first celebration of Mothers' Day was actually started by Julia Ward Howe in 1870 with her Mother's Day Proclamation. She was the author of "The Battle Hynm Of The Republic", by the way! However, the holiday did not become a National holiday until it was signed into law in 1914. It is presently celebrated in some form in 46 countries around the world.

Whatever the holiday was started as, be sure to take the opportunity to thank your Mothers' and to make Mothers' Day a special treat for her.

Now let's go get some fresh coffee, OK?

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