Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thoughts On True Love...

Love is a funny thing. It seems to be one of those things that we spend the better part of our lives searching for and then, if and when we find it, we either abuse it, lose it, starve it, or break it. Sometimes we choose to ignore it altogether because we find that in order for it to grow properly, we have to give as well as take.

Some of us never find it at all. We jump at every imitation that comes along, and then are not happy when the results are less than expected.

I am one of those people that love the very idea of true love! I have been told that I was too much of a romantic. The lady that said this meant it as an insult, but I took it as a compliment! To me it is akin to believing in Angels. It is something I simply take on faith.

I always wanted to be in love. I even thought I was a time or two. Maybe I was wrong, but who knows ? Maybe I will be again some day. I certainly hope so!

If I had to give someone advice on love, God forbid, it would be very simple. Never stop seeking it! If you think you have finally found true love, approach it as you would a wild beast! Move slowly and gently hold out your hand, speak softly and above all, show no fear! If you are one of the lucky ones, it won't rip your heart out!

To all my fellow seekers...Good Hunting!

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