Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Correcting My Mistake...!

You may remember that not long ago I wrote a piece titled "Law of the Garbage Truck". This piece was sent to me in an email and I had no way of knowing at the time who wrote it. I just thought it was a very positive message that I wanted to share with my readers, so I posted it on this blog.

Today I received a very nice comment on the post from a young man named Chris. I am including his comment here for you to read. Please do this for me.

"Thanks for posting this great story! My name is Chris, and I work with David J. Pollay, the author of The Law of the Garbage Truck™ - Beware of Garbage Trucks™! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that you can read the original story on David’s blog davidjpollay.typepad.com I know he’d love to have you stop by!

Also check out the video of people in New York City taking the No Garbage Trucks!™ Pledge: bewareofgarbagetrucks.com. It’s pretty cool.

Thanks again!


chris@bewareofgarbagetrucks.com "

Now I feel that I should have known or made some effort to find out who wrote this piece. However, I did not. I published the portion of the story that was sent to me, but made it clear that it was NOT written by me. As a matter of protocol, any piece that is reproduced or copied or republished should have credits given to the author after the article, and should be done only with the permission of the person who authored the article. Again, I did not do this as I should.

However, ignorance is no excuse. My formal apologies are offered to Mr. David Pollay and to my readers most of all if I have misled anyone in believing in any fashion that this article was written by me. I hope that the people reading my blog daily know that I would never , under any circumstance, plagiarize someone Else's work.

I would like for any and all of my readers to go to David Pollay's blog and to read for themselves the complete story. The article has much more to say than the small portion that was included in my posting.

With all that said, I am placing a credit to Mr. Pollay at the bottom of this page. Now, what do you say to some fresh coffee?


David J. Pollay is the author of “Beware of Garbage Trucks!™ - The Law of the Garbage Truck™. Visit http://www.bewareofgarbagetrucks.com/ to join the No Garbage Trucks! Revolution. His book, The Law of the Garbage Truck™, is due out this summer. Mr. Pollay is a syndicated columnist with North Star Writers Group, creator and host of “The Happiness Answer™” television program, an internationally sought after speaker and seminar leader, and the founder and president of TheMomentumProject.com


  1. Jim,
    I went there yesterday and after reading a bit, had to add David Pollay's blog link to my own blog...I like this feller...

    I see you have a link to me on your blog...Thanks, friend!

    I have just gotten home from work, and am about ready to go to bed. Should see ya around the surfin' circuit this afternoon.

    Have a really good day,

  2. Hey Cat...thanks for the comment. I think you're right about this guy having the ability to say some of what we are all thinking.

    It is MY pleasure to link up to your blog, my friend! You get some rest and we will meet up today, maybe a TE.


  3. Sorry, Bubba, for putting in this position when I forwarded the posting on to you. I had no idea where it came from either, just that I liked what it said and knew you would too. Guess I should be more careful also about just "sending it on" when I receive something good...but isn't that part of the fun of the internet? Passing on the good stuff to lots of folks in a short period of time?.....

  4. Hey Sis...you are certainly right about the fun of passing on the good stuff to a lot of people! I'm glad you sent me this piece because it allowed me to find David's blog and read furthur some of his other writings. I really like what this guy says.

    You just keep on sending me the good stuff...and I'll keep on sharing , OK? OK!!

  5. Morning Jim,
    Been up since 5 o'clock myself.
    Thanks for letting us know about the article and where it came from. He sounds like an interesting guy.
    And I never thought once that you wrote that. You were very clear about the fact that you didn't.
    Oh well, let's have that coffee now, shall we?

  6. Hey Blondie...thanks, pretty Lady, for dropping by! Hope you slept better last night than the night before! Looks like another interesting day!

    Not sure I can handle this much fun! But we can sure try, huh?

