Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chose The Healthiest Food Color For You...

We all have colors that we like and dislike. How we react to a particular color can give us an indication how that color can be used to help with our well-being. Most of us when we are shopping for food don’t notice how we are drawn to a product by the color of the packaging or by the color of the item itself. This can be an indication of the body trying to direct us to the foods we need to re-balance our health.

Foods have two different kinds of color is the color of the food and the other is the color of the energy it supplies. An example is chocolate (don’t we just love it?!)’s not red in color but because of the instant energy it gives us it is considered a red energy food.

Choosing food by color.

• Food colors that we are attracted to temporarily reflect the immediate nutritional needs of our body.

• Foods that display our favourite colors will always be needed because they give us the particular energy that supports our body’s function.

• Foods belonging to the least-favourite or even disliked colors will provide the nutrition and color energy we are lacking.

• If you have problems corresponding to certain colors, you may wish to introduce food of that color into your diet to help your body with its healing.

Red colored foods and red energy foods.

Red foods are generally rich in minerals and provide good sources of protein. They are good for increasing energy levels so are useful for people suffering from anaemia, light-headedness, lack of stamina and low energy levels.

Watercress and parsley are both green in appearance but because they are high in minerals they are red energy foods. Red in color and provides iron but because of its high alcohol content it is also contains violet energy as well as red energy.

Red foods include: strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, peppers, onions, beetroot, meat and fish.

Red minerals include: iron, magnesium, zinc.

Orange colored foods and orange energy foods.

Orange foods help with the release of toxins from the body, they help to support the reproductive system and encourage creativity. They help with the release of toxins from the body by encouraging the system to become more efficient in the removal of waste. If you are not getting enough orange or orange energy foods you may suffer from constipation, stiffness in your muscles or joints, stagnation on an emotional level like writers' block. Introducing orange or orange energy foods into a tired or toxic body is easier for the body to handle than the strong, direct energy of red foods.

Orange fruits include: oranges, peaches, apricots.

Orange vegetables include: carrots, peppers, pumpkins.

Other orange foods include: brown rice, sesame seeds, oats (all provide roughage), shellfish.

Orange minerals include: calcium (for healthy bones/muscle relaxation), copper (helps absorption of iron, improves flexibility or arteries)

Yellow colored foods and yellow energy foods.

During our daylight hours, the sun gives us our main source of yellow. However, as modern life uses up a lot our yellow energy due to pollution, chemicals, indoor living, and high stress levels, most of us need to eat yellow foods.

Lack of yellow can lead to irritability, tension, poor memory, digestive problems, a tendency towards hot flushes, depression and an inability to make decisions.

Yellow foods include: lemons, bananas, grapefruits.

Yellow vegetables include: peppers, pumpkins, grains such as rice, corn.

Other yellow foods include: eggs, fish, oils, fatty acids food.

Yellow minerals include: sodium and potassium (for healthy blood pressure, function of the cells and the muscles), phosphorus (for healthy bones, teeth, kidneys, nerves and energy levels), iodine (for healthy arteries, balanced thyroid).

Green colored foods and green energy foods.

Food that is green or works in a green way tends to be rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are not getting enough green energy this can make you feel depressed or trapped and give you low self esteem or breathing difficulties. A quick, easy way to bring green energy into your life is to go out in the open air and be around natural surroundings (ok, I know this can be difficult for some of us living in certain areas, but you will have to go out looking!)

All minerals act in a green way as do herbs. Eating foods in their natural season or locally grown foods allows our bodies to settle into the patterns/rhythms of our immediate surroundings.

Green fruits include: apples, pears, avocados, green grapes, limes, kiwi fruits.

Green vegetables include: cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, green beans, leeks, spinach, peas.

Other green foods include: herbs such as marjoram, basil, oregano.

Blue/Violet colored foods and blue/violet energy foods.

There are not many foods that are blue or violet in color but there are foods that contain blue or violet energy. Blue foods are useful when you have problems with your voice, glands of the neck or need help communicating.

Violet energy foods have a powerful effect on the workings of the mind. Food additives or colorings create illusion (a violet function) and some additives also have an addictive quality (another violet trait) . Both alcohol and sugar belong in this category when they are used to excess to escape the real world, such as in comfort eating or drinking to blot out feelings.

Top Tip from Reiki Healing Spain. Blue/violet fruits include: plums, blueberries, black grapes.
Blue/violet vegetables include: all seaweed products, asparagus, aubergines. Blue/violet minerals include: iodine (enhances the function of the thyroid gland), potassium (keeps oxygen supplied to the brain).

Now if I have properly bored you with all this wonderful knowledge...may I suggest some nice, fresh coffee? How about a Peanut Butter cookie on the side...!


  1. Good morning are super early this morning ;o) Bored? Not at all...once again very informative. Thank you.
    I suppose all the maintenance work is done and everything is running smooth?
    How is the weather there now? Did the rain reach you?
    Well Jim i am going to have a cup with you...but you know how i feel about peanut butter. LOL I will go for a cinnamon roll though...i love those.


  2. I agree with Manu...not boring. Very informative! I do have a question, though...where do you find all this stuff?
    Big Sis

  3. Good morning Jim, I agree with the rest, your post is far from boring and very informative! Hoping your weather has cleared and your computer is running smoothly. :)

  4. Hey Manu...I forgot about your not liking peanut butter, sorry!! I do have a recipe for some homemade cinnamon rolls that would knock your socks off, though! I do appreciate you dropping by.

    Hey Sis...glad to see ya this morning! Fascinating stuff about how colors affect our daily health, isn't it? Of course, just listening to the signals sent by our bodies as to what it is hungry for is important as well. The hunger means that the body needs what is offered by the food we hunger for. Glad you liked it!

    Hey Lydia...I was just over to your blog leaving a comment. Even though I don't have a dog, I know what you mean about the stare of our pets. Maybe their way of sending us mental messages?

    I appreciate all the concern shown about our weather and can safely say that for now, we are snug as a bug and fairly dry!

    I appreciate you all dropping by and taking the time to comment. It really means a lot!

  5. This is a lot of information - can't you just say, "Mom, I'm hingry for green peas?"

    Funny how it works out, isn't it??

    Anyhow - the peas were good - as was the amothered chicken strips and left-over potato salad. Making me hungry - better go eat!!

  6. Hey know me! Left overs are one of my favorite things...thanks for the visit and the post!
    See ya!

  7. Jim...i would definitly be interested in getting that recipe
    from you. It's been to long since i had a good one. I would appreciate it.


  8. Bubba,
    Do you remember the peanut butter cake I used to bake often? Would you like the recipe...has p.b. frosting, too. Will be out for awhile but will check for an answer when I get home. If i was there I would bake it for you.
    Love you.
    Big Sis

  9. Hey Sis...good idea! Why don't you send me the recipe to and I'll put it on the blog!

    Thanks a lot!!
