Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Going To Be A Slow Day...

I am taking this morning off to keep track of the rain and to do some maintenance work on my computer. Sorry, but it has to be done from time to time. Some of the programs I need to run won't allow me to do any work and have the software run at the same time.

So...I'll try and get back but in case I don't, here is some music to entertain you a bit. Take care and have a good day, OK?


  1. Hey Jim,
    Glad to hear you have stayed safe thus far...Keep it that way!

    See ya after the maintenance is done,


  2. So glad things weren't bad for y'all. One major problem with Texas not getting hit hard for so long is the fact that when it does get hit again, it has the potential for making up for lost time...getting it all in Texas size doses.
    Love Ya!
    Big Sis

  3. Hey Cat...thanks for the good wishes. We have been so lucky with these last couple of storms that I am getting spooked about what's going to happen when one does hit.

    Oh well...can't worry about it, just gotta keep on smiling!

    Hey Sis...thanks for coming by. Remember Carla in 1961? What was the name of the family that stayed with us overnight? Have been trying to remember them for a couple of days now...

    Hope no part of these storms get that far up. You take care, ok?

    Thanks again Ladies, for the visit.

  4. I think the family that stayed with us was a family from our church. Their last name was Harrell. They had a daughter named Gail. Is that the family you were thinking of.
    The storm that hit a few years ago (about 8-10 years) caused massive flooding in Houston, too. Remember?

  5. Hey thanks, Sis...couldn't remember there name to save my life! I appreciate it!!

  6. Morning Jim,
    Got up, poured a cup of coffee, and turned on the weather channel.
    I'll keep an eye on you, ok?
    Looks like you might get some rain out of this. Hopefully that's all.

    And here I am watering my lawn this morning :( Just doesn't seem right.

    You take care,
    blondie xxx

  7. Hey Blondie...I hope you're right about the rain...sorry you are having to water the lawn but if some rain doesn't get here from one of these storms soon, I may have to do a rain dance for us both.

    Thanks for coming by...

  8. Goodmorning Jim. Just dropped by to relax and enjoy a coffee while I catch up. I hope you stay safe. Mother Nature can be so rough at times. I am glad you are well through it all. My thoughts are with you. Take care

  9. Hey Missi...thanks so much for dropping by and for checking up on me. Yeah, we just can't mess with Mother Nature...when she talks, we better listen!

    Glad you are back among your cyber-friends again. We sure did miss ya!

    Thanks again...
