Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Picture Says It All...!

Take a close look at this picture. It was originally listed as the Obamamobile, but I think that it could be listed as the official 2008 campaigne automobile for both parties!

Just try and get a straight answer from either one of them on things like the energy crisis, illegal wars in other countries, bail outs of multi-billionaire companies and the leaders that put them in trouble, poor families that can't afford health care, reasonable efforts being expended capturing real criminals instead of going after the politicians that are continually raping the land and robbing the general working man only to dish out a slap on the wrist, promising honest reform while carrying on business as usual. It just gets harder and harder to take either one serious.

The really sad part is that these two candidates represent the best that we have to offer. The really scary part is that one of them is going to be voted into office by us, the american tax payer. We can't seem to win for losing!

So do me a small favor and look at the picture again. When you figure out which way the car is going, please let me know! I'll be sitting right here at my patio table having a fresh cup of coffee!


  1. Love the pic, Jim. You're right, you can't tell which way it's going.

    I'll just take the coffee and not overwork my brain too much this

    Have a shiny day,


  2. Hey Cat...thanks for dropping by. Confusing, isn't it? And I know what you mean by over working the old brain trying to figure it out...

    See ya, my friend

  3. I'm with Cat.
    I'll take a nice hot cup of coffee and not think about the rest right now. Sad, isn't it?

    Good Morning Jim :)

  4. Hey Blondie...thanks for visiting this morning. Welcome to the patio coffee clutch this morning. If you look at this picture long enough, you could get a headache and we don't want that!

    We will discuss the picture later in the day after maybe a pot or two...

    Good to see ya as always...

  5. Great picture, great representation. Actually, that wouldn't be just Obama and McCain, that would pretty much represent most of our Gov't. Yet, a lot of this is really our fault for letting it get this far. This country should be ashamed for the state our elderly are in. Soon it will not be just the elderly, but all of us and it will serve us right. Maybe it's time to vote third party and force them to change.

    Ha..I'll need more than coffee to see that picture right :) Good find. )Obamamobile..kinda like the popemobile. Such a funny word)


  6. Hey Lydia...all of us need something stronger to see the direction THAT car is going. But confusion setrves it's diverts our attention from the important matters at hand.

    You have to wonder where the art of misinformation is taught!

    You have a good day., ok?

  7. Huh?! You know that I don't need a lot of help getting confused and befuzzled! Good points as usual. Have to go get my chicken spaghetti out of the oven because Donna is due in in a few hours. Love ya.

  8. Hey Sis...thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by.

    It is a little confusing, isn't it? Takes a more open mind than mine to figure some things out.

    Tell Donna "Hey from the Hermit" for me, OK?

    Love ya...

  9. Ive consulted the coffee beans at the bottom of my last cup and it says if you notice the black shadow under the car, it is fact not a shadow but the earth opened up and this picture was taken just before the car was about to head in the downwards direction .... as for the politics I'll be on the porch with you guys ...
