Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Very Short Update For Today...

I just wanted to tell you about a new program I joined. Following the lead of a couple of top bloggers that I follow, I joined WorkFor3Dollars. This is a 3x15 matrix, and as you may know I normally don't involve myself with any matrix. This one is a bit different for one main's cheap to play! A one time entry fee of $3 and you are in for the life of the program. They only take AlertPay, so be forewarned...

Looks like there will be a lot of spill over in this one, so if you want to play I suggest you get in now! Here is my link... Come join us if you like, OK?

That's it for now...I'll get back later with the rest of the updates. In the meantime, let's have some fresh coffee and get started on a nice day !


  1. Gday Jim... just a quick cuppa n hi since Ive had limited time to comment. Now time for more work ... gotta love a warm, friendly coffee spot online to relax with in between.

  2. Hey Jim! My cable is out! What am I gonna do? Oh my God! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

    A few deep breaths... ok, am ok now. Maybe I'll make some of that coffee.


  3. Hey! I,too,am busy.My friend Donna should be in sometime tomorrow night and I have to go see my babies. I won't have as much time for them as usual and I don't want them to forget me! What recipes did you get? Love ya.

  4. Hey Missi...glad you could drop by long enough to share a cup.Sorry you are soooo busy, but sometimes that's a good thing.Hope things are settling down for ya a bit.

    Hey John...if your cable is truly out, I can sympathise! As long as you have a connection to the web, at least you can stay in touch with friends and visa versa. The television portion being out means reading a bit more, watching videos,and catching up on some reflections. Thanks for stopping by and good to see ya...

    Hey Sis...I got the cake recipe just fine, thank you. So far that's the only one! But a good peanut butter cake will surely go good with my coffee in the mornings. Thanks...and I hope you have a nice visit with your friend Donna. Love ya, Sis.

  5. Morning Jim,
    Glad you joined the 3dollar thingy. We should have fun with it.

    Bought a "long john" yesterday when I went to 7-11 for my Lotto tickets. Looking forward to having it for breakfast with my coffee.
    And it's big enough for two, lol
    Later :)

  6. Hey Blondie...thanks for dropping by and I'll share that "Long John" with ya! You know how I love anything sweet!! Just so you'll know, I am getting spillover from you in WorkFor3Dollars...thanks for letting me know about this program!

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend!!
