Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning Cartoons Are Here...

Hey everyone...

I know it's been a while since we had some good old fashioned cartoons to take our mind of the silliness going on in Washington and places like I thought today would be a good time to start the cartoon matinee again.

After all, we all need a break now and again with everything that's going on in the world. This is just my way of offering you a chance to get another cup of coffee, grab a donut and enjoy doing nothing but a good giggle this morning, OK?


  1. Hey Jim,
    Well, you already gave me the giggles this morning, but can never have too many eh? LOL
    Thanks for the tunes, and the coffee and ... sure could use a donut.
    Later :))

  2. Hey Blondie...always a pleasure when you drop by. Glad I gave you the giggles this morning...good way to start the day, I think!

    See ya later...

  3. Even though it is evening here I am not ready for anything heavy. I think Jim is really enjoying his time with you. Thank you...he,of course,is my son and I love him unconditionally and you are my only Bubba so ditto to you.

  4. Hey Sis...glad to have you drop by. Jim and I have had some good talks everyday. Both of us are the same mind about a lot of things and have the same dream about getting out of the city.

    Looking forward to getting together with you soon...
