Monday, November 17, 2008

A Very Special Day...!

November 17th, 2007...

No, that's NOT the date today but the date of the very first post on this blog by yours truly! That's right, folks! November 17th last year this humble attempt at sharing a bit of my life was born. Good or bad, today is my blog's birthday...

I really should say "our blog" because I think of this blog as belonging as much to you, the readers, as to me. The readership of any writing endeavor is the gauge of how successful the writer is or is not. The first few post that I did had no readership at all. I never noticed because I was having so much fun. Now I have a few readers, and I'm still having fun! How great is that?

Sometimes, in the beginning, I thought about the fact that maybe I wasn't being entertaining enough. I thought many times about changing direction, about maybe being more commercial or flippant, maybe even more political or commentary minded. But that's not me, that's not who or what I am. So...for better or worse, the writing has followed the same format all this time.

Format? Did you say format...? Yes! The format that I use is to say exactly what I'm feeling on that particular day, as close to the way that I would say it if we were talking face to face. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! But that, my friends, is the way of life. Even a real conversation sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I know you have all had conversations where what you said didn't come out the way you meant it to. We all have...!

So here it is. A year later and hopefully just a tad better than when we started. The only thing I know for sure is that I intend to keep writing, and hopefully you will continue to come by for a read and a cup of coffee.

It has been fun most of the time, a pain in the ass at other times, and a challenge all of the time to come up with something worth you spending your time here. I do hope that I have succeeded to some degree, and will continue to strive toward that end. Please...feel free to drop by again, OK?

Now, in keeping with tradition, how about a fresh cup of coffee with a friend...?


  1. Hey Jim,

    Good morning and Congratulations!


  2. WOW JIM!


    Times flies when you're having fun eh? LOL

    Pretty sure I've been a reader since ... mmmmm... pretty early on.
    I noticed "your" blog after the first couple of weeks as I recall.

    Wouldn't be a complete day without it now :) I'm hooked! haha

    Thanks for being my friend all this time too. I do appreciate you!

    Have a fun day,
    blondie :))

  3. Hey Lydia...thanks for dropping by and for the good wishes.

    Oh, and good morning to ya, my friend!

  4. Hey Blondie...hard to believe isn't it? One year ago today I followed the lead of YOU! I have to say that you are the one responsible for me being on a blog, so if anyone isn't happy with it I can blame it on you!

    Seriously, Thanks for being there for me all this time and for being my special friend! I appreciate it a lot!!

    See ya later...

  5. Happy Anniversary Jim!

    I haven´t been a reader here for long but you are a good blogger.It´s fun to be here:)

  6. Hey Mattias...thanks for stopping by this morning. I appreciate the kind comments as well, believe me.

    Have a good day, my friend!

  7. Hey Jim ... great big congrats on your bloggiversary. It has been a joy to share your time, your words and the love of that coffee. Looking forward to plenty more to come.

    take care


  8. Hey Missi...sure do thank you for the good wishes and comments today. I know you have a lot going on and I appreciate you taking the time to drop by.

    Hope everything works out for ya in the housing take care now!

  9. Congrats Jim,
    No matter what else I have to do when I first get on line each day, your blog is one of the first three stops I make. Your blogs are down- home entertaining and informative.
    I like'em!
    Looking forward to many, many more.
    Dave Robertson

  10. Hey Danish...sure do thank you for the kind words and the visit. I'll try and continue to be a place to enjoy coming to for a morning read.

    Having something pleasant for folks to look over and enjoy is the sole purpose for me doing this. But I have to admit the fact that I love it, I really do!

    Thanks again for coming by...

  11. Hi Jim... a BIG CONGRATZ from me too and of course to many more. You have become a daily dose of entertainment and education :o) Thank you for that and keep up the great work. I know i have not been saying much but be sure i follow your blog all the time. I just am a bit on the quiet side as of late.
    So you have a great day and have an extra cuo of coffee and a extra portion of something peanutbutterly ;o) to celebrate.


  12. Happy Birthyday! Or... ummm... whatever. :D


  13. Hey Manu...I appreciate you dropping by. I'm glad you came by and that you return from time to time, but don't be a stranger! OK? OK!

  14. HAPPY BLOGGIVERSARY!!! (I did think of that word before I read the comments, but I give credit to Missi...great new word!)

    Anyway, I wish to say thank you, Jim for being the wonderful, blogging you that you are. It's been a pleasure to visit here since that first time, when I told you you were a man after my own heart. You still are.

    I have been crazy busy with family lately and have not been getting my daily 'fix' of you guys and I miss you all.

    Bless you, friend!


  15. Hey Ashley...thanks for dropping by and for these comments.

  16. Hey smiling friend! Glad you could come by today! Been missing ya lately for sure, so your visits are really appreciated cause I know how busy you are with family and all.

    See ya later...
