Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taking The Day Off...

Sorry, Folks!!...

I'm taking the day off to catch up on a few things around the old Home place. I'll try and get back later today, but it will probably be tomorrow.

Sorry about that, but sometimes you just have to bit the bullet and do actual work and stuff, whether or not you want to.

In the mean time, help yourself to the coffee and I'll see ya later, OK?


  1. Hey Jim,
    I know the feeling :(
    Am going out to the grocery store today and you know how much I love that. hahaha

    Thanks for the coffee this morning and I'm sure I'll catch you somewhere later.

    C'ya friend :)

  2. Bubba -
    Missed you last week,'cause I was out of commission with the "chest crud", but took time today to catch up. Love the cowboys! And Willie really says it best, doesn't he? Having seen the real pictures of your place (not the fuzzy ones), I know you're itching to go, and from its' location, we won't be more than 4 or 5 hours from each other if we ever get to our retirement dream! Maybe we'll see more of each other then! Hah!Love ya -

  3. Hey Sis....sorry to hear you were sick. I should have sent you some chicken soup or something.

    If you and Rod move to the place in Mexico, we will indeed be neighbors in the Texas way of thinking. After all, 4 or 5 hours down the road is about the right distance for neighbors for the Hermit!

    Love ya..
