Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Looney Tunes Saturday...!

Since things have been on the road to really being Looney Tunes in government activity as of late, it seemed to me a very appropriate time for some Saturday morning cartoons!

We used to do this every Saturday, remember? Then I got caught up in other things that weren't nearly as much fun! keeping with a forgotten (almost)tradition, I present to you the old classic favorite..."Roadrunner" cartoons!

See, all that entertainment and we didn't even have to go to Washington, D.C. !! How cool is that? I understand they are only expecting around 2 million extra people to show up for the big now we can stay at home and not even have to pay for parking...!

See, the Hermit is always looking out for his friends! Now, pass the pop corn and let's have another fresh cup of coffee, OK?


  1. Thanks for theh 'funny' Jim.

    Like you, I would rather stay home and entertain myself that be out there in all the craziness!

  2. Hey GWL...good to see you! Glad you could drop by for a visit!

    I'm pleased that you didn't mind me showing cartoons today instead of getting all serious and stuff! Just need to take a break from thinking too much once in a while...

    Now, don't be a stranger, ya hear?

  3. Ah yes the worlds greatest stunt man! Thanks for the break!
    Brings back alot of memories!

  4. Hey Rod...good to see ya this morning! Yeah, I figured a break from all the seriousness couldn't hurt!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Yay you remembered the toons! Saturdays weren't feeling the same these days ;)


  6. Hey Lady Lydia...glad to see ya this morning! So you're glad the cartoons are back, are ya? Me to!

    Makes it feel a bit more like the old days, huh?

    Thanks for coming by!

  7. They just don't make 'em like that anymore, do they? Now it's all robots and bombs and really bizarre other things--can't be more specific,'Cause I don't watch 'em anymore...
    No Tom and Jerry?
    No thanks!! :)

    good show, Hermit!

  8. I used to show all Tom and Jerry cause I liked they sounds that Tom made...but someone wanted Roadrunner, so we switched!

    Once or twice, I put one of each on...that was fun!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Jim,

    I have to ask you, why does the link to your blog look like this on my page?

    Coffee with the Hermit
    Prisoner of the white lines on the freeway.: TEOTWAWKI: Mexico on the verge of failure as a state.

    This is bizarre.

  10. Come to think of it, it does on mine, too... 's why I popped over again-- thought you'd done the rare double post day...
    That IS bizarre...........

  11. I have NO idea! That was the title of a post I read on another blog!

    I'll have to investigate that!

  12. Wow, its been a long time since I watched Saturday morning cartoons. Used to be a tradition in my house to watch Looney Toons... not like the japanamation crap they show today.

  13. Hey Shinerbock...thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you like the 'toons!

    When my sisters and I were young, we couldn't wait until Saturday morning, and the cartoons!

    Lots of memorirs there!

  14. As soon as the music started playing the kids came running. 5yob - that's gonna hurt. Spent about an hour watching others. Too bad Saturday mornings are so bad. We don't mind the japanese cartoons but the 'reality' shows are turned off.

  15. Hope I didn't upset the household too! That music is very recognisable, huh?

    Sometimes we all just long for the good old days, I guess!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  16. You know I never thought of comparing politics to Looney Toons. It would be apt and they would have much better excuses (i.e. the rules say they must fail so that's why they did, kinda thing.)

    My kids are major fans and laughed all the way through watching it. Thanks:)

  17. Hey pleasure, believe me. I'm glad the kids are enjoying the "classics"...I always did!

    Thanks for coming by!
