Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Knowing My Limitations...

There comes a time that I just have to admit that I don't know enough about certain things to attempt it on my own.

This doesn't mean that I can't learn them, but I don't have the experience just yet to do it. One of these things is the canning of meat. I fully intend to learn how to do this, but in the mean time I need to add to my preps and that means MEAT!

I'm pretty much a genuine country boy, and in Texas that means meat and 'taters, I'm one of the strange people that like Spam! In fact, there isn't too many types of canned meat products that I don't like. If there is, I just haven't found it yet...but that doesn't mean that I want to eat the same thing all the time!

Having a good selection of ingredients to use in all your menus, makes it much more enjoyable at mealtime, but allows you to stretch out your supplies a bit.

To expand my meat selection a lot, I ordered some more canned meat from a place called Werling & Sons, Inc. Now, I've had some meat from this company before and was really pleased with it. It is a bit pricey, but overall it isn't as expensive as some that I've seen.

They offer beef, pork, turkey, and chicken... in 14.5 ounce cans and even 28 ounce cans as well. The meat is of very high quality and has a long shelf life without preservatives! When it comes to meat, I'd rather not have dehydrated or freeze dried if I can have the real thing.

Another place that has a good selection of canned meat of high quality with a long shelf life is Pleasant Hill Grains. They offer another choice in meat in the form of ground beef. What I like about Pleasant Hill Grains is that the shipping is free for orders over $99 and as low as $7.95 for all others. I can live with that!

Now, I'm not an affiliate with these companies or anything, but I did want to share the links to them just in case someone didn't have their links already. When it comes to food, the Hermit feels that you can't ever have too many places to go and order if you need to. Just another tool to use in the daily gathering of supplies.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. Many probably already knew about these places, but I felt that it was important enough to bring them up again.

OK...now that we have that out of the way, let's get a fresh cup of coffee, my friend!


  1. 'Mornin' Hermit, thanks for the links!

  2. Great post-very good info.
    I like spam to. Small world

  3. Canning your own is very simple. Would you like me to post about it?

    (look I can leave a comment again!)

  4. Hey Mayberry...glad to provide them. Hope they are of some use to you...I sure like the product.

    Hey MyWay...many of those our age seem to like spam and treet more than some of the youngsters, I think. Maybe cause we used to have it more?

    Hey Phelan...boy, that would be a great help to me if you wanted to post about canning meat...I just want to make sure that I do it right and don't ruin a lot of meat, ya know?

    Hey, thanks guys for stopping by today!! I really appreciate it!

  5. Great idea... never thought about canned ground beef. Gonna have to order some of that.

  6. Hey Shinerbock...if you want to see a great site about canning some comfort food, check out "EndtimesReport.com"

    The lady, Mrs. Stairs, has some really good articles about canning butter, hamburger rocks, cake in a jar...lots of stuff. She has been doing it for a LONG time!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  7. I like the Bacon and smoked flavor spam! Just tried them recently have ate the regular spam since childhood! Have a great day Hermit!

  8. Hey Scout...looks like we had a lot of the same foods growing up. I really like all the new flavors of Spam they have come up with over the last couple of years. One of my favorites is the HOT Spam...it really has a bite to it!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!

  9. mmm spam and eggs, love it. One meat I can't do canned is fish. For some reason I find the idea and taste revolting. Though maybe it's all in my head.

  10. Hey Kookster...I like some kinds of canned fish, like tuna and salmon...but when you are used to fresh, canned is hard to adjust to.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. Hiya Jim!
    Thanks for the links..especially the canning butter one. I really want to try that. Just add it to the long list of other homesteading things I want to do. Country Mom, not too long ago did a post on canning bacon etc. Fascinating!
    Thanks again,

  12. Hey Cath...thank you so much for stopping by today. I haven't seen the post about canning bacon, I'll have to look it up! I LOVE bacon, but don't want to pay the price for it on the net!

    Canning butter is easy, and although I've heard some negative things about it lately, I've never had any problems with mine...except trying to keep from eating it on fresh baked bread!

    You have aq good day!

  13. One can still see Spam on menus in Hawaii. My friend Elizabeth also likes Spam but has never even heard of the spread we make with it... maybe you ought to tell everybody how. Remember some canned venison we gave you when you lived in Kyle? Was from Wisconsin. Good info, as usual. Love ya.

  14. Hey Sis...the canned venison was good...and Jim fixed some Bison meat the other day. Bought it off the freezer shelf at the local grocery...

    I just made some Spam salad yesterday, and surprisingly Jim doesn't r5emember ever having any!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by!

  15. Have you tried Scrapple Jim? Might be one of the canned meats you wont eat...I wont touch the stuff and it takes alot to put me off feed.

  16. Hey FM...I had to look it up to see what it was! I think I have heard of it before, but am not sure. I do know that I have never had it, and after reading the discription Im not sure I want to.

    Thanks for coming by and calling it to my attention!

  17. I know if anyone is willing to learn, it's you. I have watch along with others as you have learned skill after skill and I know you will learn this one too. Do your homework and give it a shot.


  18. BTW, shipping is not free on grain purchases.
