Monday, February 2, 2009

I Love These Words...

As far as I am concerned, this could be the theme song for all the "preppers". Very strong lyrics sung by a man with a very strong voice.

The words of this song touch something deep inside me in a way that few songs do. I really like it...and wanted to share it.

See what I mean...? Now, let's get some coffee, my friend.


  1. Thanks for bringing back a part of my childhood. I used to watch Gomer Pyle, USMC.

  2. Golllllly, that was good Jim! Haven't seen that face in years.
    Have a fabulous day!

  3. Being a child of the 50's brimgs back the memories. Thanks Jim

  4. Hi Jim, That was nice! Not familiar with the show, might have seen it once or twice on repeats, but I have heard the song. Very nice .

    Any coffee left?

  5. Hey Catman...reaching back a bit, huh? Boy, the guy could sing...

    Hey Cath...good to recall some of the memories from our childhood sometimes...happier times, maybe?

    Hey MyWay...hard to believe it's been that long, isn't it? Time flies when your having fun!

    Hey Lydia...the song is originally from the "Man from LaMancha" starring Peter O'Tool. Great song!

    Thanks, everyone, for coming by today!

  6. I loved that show when I was younger. And it was always surprising, after hearing him speak, to hear him sing. And I like those lyrics, too. :-D


  7. Hey Ashley...good of you to stop by. Yeah, it's amazing how time seems to fly by, isn't it?

  8. Thanks for that, nice to hear him sing again, fantastic voice!

  9. Hey HUP...thanks for stopping by. He did have one one of the strongest voices that I ever heard.

    Be nice to have some singers like that in this day and time, huh?

  10. One of my favorites, too. Carol H. and I went to see him perform at the Houston rodeo in 1969. I also went to one of his shows in Hawaii once. Living in N.C. now, I don't need much reminding of the show (original..Andy G.) or of him.

  11. Hey are right down the road from the Gomer Pyle home town, huh?

    Boy, that must be special!
