Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Song For All The Working Men And Women...!

I'm not making a regular post today...

Instead, I'm gonna leave this song for all of the working people still having to bear the yoke of trying to scratch out a living for their families every day! Hard working folks that do the best they can, not knowing if the jobs they have today will be there tomorrow. Common folks, whose lives and sweat and blood built this great country, only to see it shaken and abused and raped over and over again by greedy politicians and their cohorts.

There will come a time, sooner or later, when each and every one of those responsible for the destruction of the hopes and dreams and futures of these working class citizens will be called to answer for such actions. It may be in the distant future, it may be tomorrow...but make no mistake! It will come!

Now, let's go get some very strong coffee, my friend!


  1. Just making a quick stop to say good morning to you Jim!! And a big Amen on your post! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Well said Jim;
    There are still some employers that treat their employees right. Unfortunately they are closing their business's due to the state of today's climate.

  3. Morning Jim,
    Check this out.

  4. YeOldFurt;
    Just read your comment-makes my blood boil.

  5. Hey Cath...sure am glad you had the time to drop by today and you have a good day yourself, ok?

    Hey Tony...afraid that the good, along with some of the bd, are all losing out in the long run with todays financial climate. Things are getting tough.

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my man.

    Hey OldFurt...thanks for the link and for the visit! I'll check it out...

  6. "16 ton"... "Company Store"...

    terms to remember. because, yes, it cometh...

    Good song, Uncle!! Real good one.

  7. Sorta rings true...don't ya think?

    Hey, thanks for the visit...

  8. Hey Ken...thanks, my brother! I appreciate it!

  9. Amen!

    I love that song. Haven't heard it in years. His voice was somethin' too:) Thanks.

  10. Yeah...I remember this song from a long time ago...

    Old Tennessee Ernie had a grweat voice. The king that just seemed to go right through you!

    Glad you enjoyed it!
