Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Urban Disguise...

Do you know the secret to surviving virtually untouched in the city? You become invisible...

By that , I mean that you become someone that people see, but immediately forget. There are many, many people like that in most cities, but most of the time we just don't even register them in our memory banks. We have all seen them at one time or another...

How can you be invisible? Let me give you an example. As you are driving through a neighborhood, you notice an older man walking along the sidewalk. His head is slightly down, he needs a haircut, his grey beard could use a trim, he usually wears an old sweatshirt in the cooler months and a faded t-shirt in the spring and summer to go with his slightly ragged, well used jeans. His head wear of choice is a "gimme" cap from someone, the logo usually well beyond reading anymore. No name brand footwear, but usually just a simple pair of sneakers or scuffed work boots.

He doesn't walk very fast, moving at a steady pace but not in a hurried fashion. He wears no watch, no jewelry of any kind. Usually he has some sort of walking stick, probably for protection from dogs, or for an aid to stepping down or up the curb. From time to time, he glances up, looking first forward, then left and the right As you drive on by, you notice that he is mumbling to himself. You shake your head and drive on down the road.

Did he make an impression? No? Will you even remember him 5 minutes from now? Probably not! Does he look like a threat? Of course not! Would he be a likely target to rob? You wouldn't think so...

Guess what, folks! You just drove passed me on my neighborhood street. If my head is slightly down, it's so I can concentrate on the sounds from all around me, including the ones behind me. The reason that my hair needs cutting and my beard needs trimming is because I am NOT trying to impress anyone, I don't have to go to work each day, and I'm well beyond caring about what you or anyone else thinks about my hair and my beard!

The reason that I wear an old sweatshirt in the cooler months and a faded t-shirt in the spring and summer is simple. They're comfortable! I'm not going on a date, out to eat, to church, or to a party. I'm just out for a walk in my neighborhood, getting a little exercise...so I have no reason to dress up with a white shirt and tie, a fancy suit, or even a fashionable sports shirt! I'm dressed according to the activity, you see?

Why the ball cap? It was free, has a bill to keep the sun out of my eyes (which it wouldn't do if I wore it backwards)! The plain sneakers? Well, I can buy about 5 pair of these plain sneakers for what a single pair of Name brand, short lived sneakers cost. 5 times the merchandise for about the same amount of money? I'm no rocket scientist, but that seems like a good deal to me! The boots? Well, if you buy good quality boots, work or western or hiking, and they fit properly...they will last a long time with minimal upkeep. Sure, they might not be in style 5 years from now, but they will still fit. They will still cover my feet and give me support around the ankles. If need be, they will help protect me from snakebite, thorns, sharp rocks, broken glass and nails that seem to come from nowhere to find auto tires, bare feet, and thin soles on shoes!

How about the slow pace? Easy...I'm in no hurry! Besides, walking fast attracts dogs more quickly. They have instincts that kick in when someone or something runs or walks too fast Another drawback to walking fast is that you miss so much of whats going on around you. You miss some of Nature's prettiest sights and sounds if you don't take the time to look and listen.

No watch or jewelry? I don't need a reminder of how fast time passes in life and my stomach will tell me when it's time to eat. The sun tells me when it's daytime, the moon and stars tell me when it's night, and my heavy eyelids tell me when it's bedtime! I'm not married, so I don't wear a ring. I have no need for a medallion or cross or tags around my neck...I quit wearing them when I was discharged from the service.

The walking stick? Easy to carry protection that needs no license. How effective is it? Ever been kicked in the knee or shin? Ever had something fall on your head? Ever been kicked or bumped real hard on the elbow? How about right between the legs? The word that comes to mind is ...PAIN! Yes sir...a good old-fashioned hickory stick in the right hands is a good survival tool!

As far as my glancing up once in a while, I'm taking notice of all that's around me, and appraising the possible danger or threat. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and be ready! After all, that's what we do, isn't it? Prepare? You bet it is...

I mumble as you go by because I am saying your license plate number out loud, to make it easier to remember...just in case you are up to no good and don't belong in this neighborhood. You may not remember me, but trust me...I'll remember you!

I don't intend to stand out, to make myself a target, to impress anyone by having all the trappings of someone with money, and you will never know if I have it or not just by looking at me. Oh, and if you even think about robbing me, pushing me, or getting in my face...I'll be more than happy to introduce you to my hickory walking stick! Very up close and personal, know what I mean"

Now, let's have another cup of coffee, my friend!


  1. That mindset also applies to your vehicle and home in my opinion. If your driving a high dollar vehicle with "rims" sound and video, loud exhaust etc your making your car a target. Same with your home. You can remodel the inside anyway you want but if you spend alot of money on the outside (especially the street side)making your house stand out from your neighbors it could make you a target to criminals.

  2. Right you are, my friend! Prepping is about survival, and that means using your head to blend in, keep a low profile, and make as small a target as possible.

    Be more, seem less! Hey, thanks for coming by, FG...

  3. Hi Jim - I find the same applies to the harried mom. You know the type... middle aged, average weight, carrying a bag of groceries. No jewelry, no easy to grab pocketbook, no fancy clothes, etc. We just blend into the scenery.

  4. Now that's a post to remember!! Well done!!
    Big Daddy tells me that "most" would leave me alone because I walk with a purpose, I never look distracted, and I eyeball everyone. I wouldn't be an easy target. Sometimes we play a game after being in a store: he'll ask me about certain people we encountered and what they were wearing etc. But then we're weird like that!! lol
    Excellent post Jim! I'm off for more coffee...

  5. Well said, and your commentators as well! I'm like you told me the other day, more of a prepper than I ever realized. I'm pretty unremarkable, too, but, hmmm - does this mean I should tone down the red hair??? Have to give a lot of thought to that one.

  6. Good post HJ. Words to live by as they say. I like it.

  7. The hickory stick completes the package. Well done Jim.

  8. "Speak softly but carry a big stick." Great advice in this post. I'm pretty good at being invisible too, though maybe not as invisible as you. My van is it's own anti-theft device; it's SO ugly no one would think theres anything worthwhile in it.
    A walking stick comes in handy in the woods too. There aren't many animals that will try to attack after a solid whack on the nose. I'd rather take my chances with mountain lions than with crackheads though...

  9. Hey OWMom...that's exactly what I'm talking about! Common sense licks in and let's us know to pay attention while Not drawing attention.

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hery Cath...I think that the "eye contact" thing is good to let folks know that you are aware of them! It's that "don't mess with me!" look in your eye that will pass on the message, I think!

    I appreciate the visit this morning!

    Hey Sis...congradulations! You have just realised that you are a part of a great and diverse group of people. In fact, you and your DH, because of your common sense approach to most things, are probably further along than many of us! From what I can tell, you have the lifestyle pretty well set in, except for some of your strange family members (I won't say names!)who seem to lurk around with negative input.

    Thanks for coming by, Sis!

    Hey YOF...sure do appreciate the visit today and I'm glad you liked the post!Thanks!

    Hey Tony...yeah, funny how most folks don't see a walking cane of a walking staff or stick as a weapon, or realise just what it can do to the human body if applied properly!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Maitreya...I know what you mean about the vehicle! My '91 S10 used to be red, but now it's Faded red...which I think is a good determent to folks that want to steal things. May look rough on the outside, but under the hood it's clean as a whistle!Animals, two or four legged, sure don't like being tapped on ther nose!

    It does send a message! Hey, thanks for coming over today...

  10. So that crazy old man was you! I should have known. :-D


  11. Hey, watch it! I'll hit ya with my stick!!

    Thanks for coming by, Ashley!

  12. I did that in a small town for about 5 yrs. Did part-time work in a couple of places. Nobody really knew me, or knew where I was from or where I was goin'. Just wanted to disappear for awhile and it worked.

  13. Jim,

    Thanks for the great post. For those of you who may be thinking of carrying a "walking stick", you might contemplate hollowing out the head end, and pouring in a couple of ounces of lead shot....

  14. Hey Eddie...thanks to the "I don't see you, so don't bother me" mindset of most of the public now days...this is one way to disappear for a while!

    Hey, thanks for coming by...

    Hey Catman...very good suggestion, my friend! Thanks for making it...and thanks also for the visit!

  15. blend in with your surroundings..good logic! My car is getting old enough there's almost some nasty noise its making. I'm hoping that will help to deter any thief =P

  16. Great post Jim, Coming from the city I know exactly what you mean. I learned to carry keys in my hand with the point sticking out. If anyone were to attack you from which ever angle, you have time to slam them with the keys trying for the eyes, giving you time to escape. We also have learned to never cause attention, but always be aware.

    Sad world we live in, isn't it?

    Have a good one,

  17. Hey Scout...thanks! I appreciate it and thanks for the visit as well!

    Hey Kookster...I could almost do another post about making the vehicle "blend in" since mine already does! Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Lydia...my friend, you are so right! It's a sad world when we have to think all the time about ways to keep from being a victim. Just the way things are, and it's going to get worse in the cities, I'm afraid!

    Hey, my friend...I sure am glad you came by today!

  18. lol I think I have the tired momma down pat.

  19. Hey Stephanie...the tired mamma thing seems to work for you ladies, but it would be hard for me with a full beard, I'm afraid!

    Thanks for coming by!

  20. Right on target my friend. Very good advice for anyone, anywhere and anytime. Great post.

  21. Hey Bulleye...thanks! I appreciate the positive comments and you know that I appreciate the visit as well...

  22. HermitJim, you sure do get around! These days, I'm seeing you everywhere...

  23. Hey CP...pretty spry for an older guy, aren't I? Never know where I'll be...

    Hey, thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  24. I never was one to underestimate the abilities of the old boys. Thats some good advice. Thanks Jim.

  25. Hey Cygnus...ditto from me! Thanks for the visit...

    Hey Hermit...yeah, you hafta keep an eye on the Grey Brigade for sure! Hey, thanks for the visit today!

  26. Hide in plain site! Now that's an idea. I noticed this when I worked in DC. People didn't look past the homeless, they didn't see them. It was like they didn't exist. Perfect urban camo.

  27. It would be a great disguise for a hit man, don't ya think?

  28. Gary Near Death ValleyAugust 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    Basically I have been doing this since I retired from the fire service a number of years ago. My parents taught me to not "flaunt" anything, because that does draw eyes. I am fairly well off, but still drive an old 1994 Ford Ranger, do wear an old Walmart watch, and have done those things, as a natural side of myself. I have a close cousin, who is a millionaire and you would not know it in the least. It is easy to hide a side of yourself, if you take the time, and the want to. In this day and age, being nearly invisible is a good thing.

  29. Hey Gary...
    Doesn't take much to fly beneath the radar...if we just try!

    I agree that being mostly invisible is a good thing...

    Thanks for coming by, Gary!
