Sunday, February 1, 2009

This Is The Law...!

I found this on thought that it was important enough to share with my readers. See if you know someone that might benefit from learning about this!

Wall Street and its co-conspirators on Main Street had a great plan.

Step 1: Ram predatory loans down the market with fraud and deceptive marketing.

Step 2: Some of the loans will blow up, but in the aggregate it will all work out and besides,the loans will be bundled and sold off to investors (spreading the toxic waste), so who cares?

Great plan, but it had a few problems.

Problem #1: It destroyed the world financial system (minor detail).

Problem #2 (And he's where it get VERY interesting...) For a loan to be valid, the lender needs to be able to produce the paperwork.

Guess what?

In their mad greed to screw the American people and line their own pockets, Wall Street forgot that little detail.

Many of these loans and been sliced and diced and sold and re-sold so many times that not only is the paperwork not easy to lay hands on, in some cases, it's not clear who actually owns the loan.

Here's where property law comes in.

If the bank can't produce the documents and the real owner of the loan can't be identified, the contract is null and void.

You've got to hand it to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (and Ohio which produces a lot of great Congresspeople.)

By telling a bank to "produce the note," a homeowner can delay foreclosure by forcing the lender to prove the suing institution is actually the same which owns the debt.

Now, the banks own sloth and disorganization (and inherent dishonesty) can be used against it.

Final word: The media (and Wall Street and its criminal partners in Congress and the former Bush White House) love to call these loans sup-prime.

Here's the old fashioned word: predatory.

Many of the loans that were made in the past five years that have created so many problems would have been illegal until Bush & Co not only gutted lending laws, but also literally sued states to stop them from enforcing their own lending laws.

Former governor Elliott Spitzer was the ring leader of the state movement to enforce local lending laws...and you saw what happened to him.

He's no saint (and truth be told, he's kind of a jerk) but if every politician who went to hookers was busted, Washington and all the state capitals would be ghost towns !

Moral of the story? Stay put until someone can produce the paperwork! Make the Law work FOR you for a change...

Now, how about a fresh cup of coffee, my friend?


  1. If you don't get the loan in the first place you have no worries. Come on people-do the math. As usual the ones who do the right things end up getting to pay the bills(taxes)for the idiots. Please stop spending more than you make. Of course now you will.

  2. I'll drink to that...even bring my own cup!
    As I told Cygnus, y'all are truly writers. Keep up the good work for the likes of me myself who maybe can't write but certainly enjoy reading. Especially enjoy reading well writen and useful, entertaining info!

  3. Hey MyWay...that is excellent advise, but as we all have few follow it. That's the main reason I don't buy on credit!

    Hey thanks for coming by this morning!!

  4. Hey Beth...glad you showed up today and even brought your own cup! Glad you enjoyed the info...maybe someone can put it to use!

    Have a great day, Sis!

  5. ...a buddy who used to do appraisals on property,said if people knew the system,they were gonna make out like bandits during this realestate scam...

    ...a guy that used to drive a truck at my plant,had his house foreclosed,let it go(with people in the 'know')..bought it from the bank FREE-N-CLEAR for 5 grand...$150,000,house,barn,and property...financed with bogus appraisal,pocketed some money...

    ...sometimes it is 'what ya know'...

  6. Working the system should be taught in school...or at the very least, shared with the public by folks in the know!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Figgers.... Mine is 7 years old...

  8. Sounds like me most of the late and a dollar short!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend...

  9. "illegal until Bush & Co not only gutted lending laws,"

    Gee, i thought it was the dimocrats in congress who wrote laws. You know, like the community reinvestment act which punished banks for NOT making loans to people who couldn't afford them.

  10. Jim am directing my readers from my blog ( to yours here to read this item. It's very important.

    Thanks for that news Jim, we all appreciate it.


  11. Hey Anon...doesn't matter who writes the laws if the PTB decide to ignore it. They want to gut it, consider it gutted!

    Hey John...sure, send them over! Maybe some folks can use the information. Plenty of videos on this and other relavent things at WWW.BRASSCHECK.TV

    I want to thank ya'll for stopping by and for the comments!

  12. I don't think anyone was FORCED to take loan. As for loans being "predatory" to a certain degree higher risk people are going to be charged more interest that corresponds with their higher risk.

  13. Hey Ryan...I'm just the messenger and repeating a report from saying that I agree with the practice of borrowing money or anything else.

    Personally, I don't use credit and don't own a house...but that's just me.

    Thanks for dropping by!
