Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Milestone Of Sorts...

Hard to believe, but I have made a total of 506 post as of yesterday...

My very first post was on 11/17/07. It's hard to believe it's been that long! I have learned a lot during the time that I've been blogging, and I've met a lot of really nice folks.

You know, it's a funny thing about something like a blog. After you do it for a while, it sort of seems to take on a life of it's own...a personality, of sorts. If for some reason I don't post, I almost feel bad.

It's true that a lot of the post I put up are frivolous and have no meaning. That's the desperation of someone that has a total block on a prevalent topic to expound upon. On those times, I tried to find some way to be entertaining, albeit somewhat shallow in content. For those times, I ask for your forgiveness and hope that you will overlook them.

If I don't dwell on the pitiful and sorry state of the political situation very often, it isn't because I don't notice. Believe me, I do. However, others can voice the concerns that we all feel far better than I. All I can do is to voice my concerns when something is so blatantly stupid, it reeks!

I consider myself a proud new-comer of the Prepping community and I follow the blogs of many more experienced people in this field. Most of them are very common sense folks, and I can relate to the content they share with us all. I would invite you to look at the links to the left and take time to look over these blogs, as I have learned a lot of very useful information from them.

To everyone that comes by daily, and those that only come by once in a while...I thank you for the visits and the comments. Many of you have almost become like family, many of you have become very real friends, and for all of that I can't thank you enough!

Now before this turns into a mushy, silly sounding post...I would like to say again "Thank you!"

Now, what do you say to a fresh cup of coffee, my friend? We can share a cup and toast to post number 507!


  1. ...mornin' Jim,i know what ya mean,a year ago i was site specific,after i read my 'news' if i needed info it was a topic related search and read...never thought i would be 'bloggin'(if ya call what i do blogging)...i personally didn't think there were many with my mindset out there...come to find out i'm not crazy(if i am then its mass hysteria)...anyway...there is a whole bunch of ya out there that i came to respect an almost 'need'...i hate when i can't read the daily-daily...

    ...a toast(coffee cups raised in unison) the Hermit,may his coffee pot(and keyboard)never quit...heres lookin to post 1,000...

  2. Hey Hermit! Time does fly fast on our blogs, I do agree. I think you make some wonderful posts and hope you continue for many years to come:)

  3. Good morning Jim, I agree with Molly, I like all of your posts and enjoy reading everything you write. Keep up the great work, and yes, for many years to come!


  4. Hey, Jim, don't feel bad about it if you miss a day. We all need a break now and then.

  5. Morning Jim;
    I usually have my morning coffee with you. I enjoy your posts. I'm amazed how many bloggers post every day. I can't do it yet. So take a day off when needed.I hope to meet you one day.

  6. Good morning Jim,
    I love reading your blog with my first cup of coffee. And look how many followers you have, it is amazing. I feel like we have been friends for a very long time. Keep up the good work, I will miss you while I am away as there will be no internet out there in the wilds :-)
    Talk at you when I get back.

  7. Hey Ken...good to see ya, buddy! I'll drink to the 1000th post...but then, I'll drink to a flat tire!

    I appreciate your visit a lot, my friend.

    Hey Molly...guess time flies when you're having fun, huh? I do thank you for stopping by this morning, and believe me, I'll keep posting as long as I can!

    Hey smiling friend! You've been a reader almost since I've started...just a glutton for punishment, huh?

    I am so glad you could stop by today, I really am!

    Hey Eddie...good morning to ya! It's always a pleasure to have you drop by, my friend! I really do appreciate it!

    Hey Tony...I guess posting every day just gets to be a habit. I like to put something on if I can...

    If you happen to come through Texas when you go to visit Arizona, I'd be proud to have you come by for a cup or two!

    You have a good day, buddy!

    Hey JoJo...glad I can share the first cup with ya. Enjoy the camping trip...and I expect to see some pictures when you get back, OK?

    Have fun and be safe!

  8. Jim
    You are my first morning read with a cup of course.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


  9. Hey Rod...always a pleasure, my friend! Sharing a cup with a friend is always a good way to start the day!

    Appreciate you letting me into your morning routine...

  10. M.D. Creekmore of The Survivalist Blog is offering Free E-books:
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    W.E Fairbairn - Shooting To Live
    CIA - Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual
    The CIA Book OF Dirty Tricks
    Lee Enfield Rifle Manual
    U.S. Army Survival Manual
    Improvised Munitions Handbook

  11. Hey Anon 10:13...I'm sorry, but your point is...?

  12. I want you to know this... I've been having some down days lately, so I've been avoiding some blogs altogether.

    I know that I can come HERE and be at ease. And I appreciate that immensely.

    Peace to you, my friend.

  13. Hey Meadowlark...I'm glad you enjoy coming by, and I'm always glad to see you.

    It's hard sometimes to follow all the blogs and have so much input. Many times I feel that I have missed something, or should be doing something different.

    Asd of late, I try and go a little lighter than I used to, as I don't want to bring myself down to the real world happenings if I can put it off a bit.

    Seems the world is getting crazier by the day, and I just don't want to dwell on that part of it too much.

    I really appreciate you dropping by this morning, my friend...and peace back at ya!

  14. Hey Jim I enjoy your blog and thanks for all the hard work!

  15. Jim, visiting you is like a nice, calm refuge in the hurricane of blogs, if I'm having a rough day coming here gets me right again. Many thanks!

  16. Hey Scout...appreciate your comments and as always, I certainly appreciate your visit!

    Have a good day, my friend!

  17. Hey, I appreciate the nice comment. Means a lot to have my fellow bloggers find something of import here.

    Thanks for coming by and you hasve a good day!

  18. Hi there. I'm new around here. Please don't apologize for any of your posts. They are all relevant and entertaining and useful. I love your blog because you DON'T often focus on the negativity in the press. A litle goes a long way, although I'm sure I'm among many who love to hear your opinion. I frequently use your blog as a "jumping off point" by reading the latest from your links on the left side of your page. Thanks for all you do for us every day and sharing a little bit of your life. And congratulations on the 500+ posts!

  19. Hermit, Ginger stole my thunder!! That post ought to have my name up there...LOL

  20. Enjoyed them and looking forward to thousands more my friend. Congrat's brother, keep up the great work.

  21. Hey Ginger...good to have you here. I thank you for your comment, my new friend!

    Funny you should mention the Chihuahuan desert in your I have 5 acres there in the Terlingua Ranch area. Thinking of moving there...and even stranger, I am presently living in Houston! Small world, huh?

    Hey, thanks for stopping by today!

  22. Hey SFChick...good to see you today! Believe me, it's the thought that counts, my friend!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey Bulleye...thanks, brother! I always appreciate a visit from you, and I have learned a LOT from you via your blog...

    I'll keep on plugging if you keep on dropping in!

  23. Hey Hermit,

    Congratulations on 500+ entries.

    I enjoy reading your blog, and truth be told, in the morning, I read your blog before I read my husband's. Shh, don't let him know this. ;)

    You have a great writing style. I enjoy your stories, advice, words of wisdom and I sincerely look forward to reading many more posts from you.

    Have a great day!


  24. Hey Felinae...don't worry! Your secret is safe with me...

    Glad to have you drop by today and every day!

  25. Hello Friend Jim,
    Congrats on 500+! And so many fine followers...I can remember when it was just a few of us. That should tell you, above all, that you are definitely a good blogger!!!
    I've stayed pretty busy lately, with a grandbaby on the way, the middle son getting married, and the oldest son set for a June wedding...whew! But I wouldn't have it any other way. I just enjoy counting those blessings each and every makes me smile sometimes to the point that my face

    Blessings to you my good friend,

  26. Hey good friend! I am so glad to see you again! It's been a long time...

    Sounds like it won't be long before you have a houseful of grand kids running around! I know you are looking forward to that. They will love coming to grandma's house...especially with her working on one of her baking projects! Built-in bowl lickers, huh!

    It seems so strange to have come this far from the days when there was only about 5 or so of us!

    So good to see you again, my friend. Don't be gone so long, ya hewar?

  27. Congrats on the big milestone! As for content you do the best you can like the rest of us do. As for its quality I go with what I call the quality through quantity plan. Just like taking digital pictures, do it enough and you will get some gems.

  28. Hey TOR...I sure appreciate you dropping by!

    I almost feel a duty to post something each day but maybe it's for myself... who can say?

  29. You're welcome Jim, and also thank you. I hav'nt come across a blog of yours that I found hard to look at yet. I try to keep up to all your blogs, sometimes I lag behind because of other things going on in life, but I usually catch up eventually.

  30. Like the Frugal Canadian, I too get behind. I really enjoy your posts though and would be sooo disappointed if they weren't there. Keep up the wonderful work,my brother. Much love.
