Friday, March 27, 2009

Crazy But Not Stupid...!

Let me tell you a little story this morning...

No, not like the last one. This one will have a proper ending to it! Trust me...

It seems there was a traveler driving down a country road about 10 miles outside of town. He noticed that the front end of the car started to shimmy and shake badly so decided to pull over and check it out.

He pulled over right next to a tall metal fence that seemed to surround the beautifully kept grounds of a mental hospital.

Walking around to the front of the car, he noticed that all of the lug nuts had come off of the right front tire. Although the tire was still good, he knew he couldn't drive the car in it's present state. The traveler stood there shaking his head, not knowing just what to do.

Standing on the other side of the fence, a patient was watching as the traveler, mumbling to himself, walked around and around the car trying to come up with a solution to his problem.

Finally the patient spoke up, asking "Do you mind if I make a little suggestion?" Startled, the traveler said " No, not at all. What is your suggestion?"

"Well, I noticed that you're missing all of the lug nuts on just one tire, right?" The traveler said "That's correct." The patient asked "Why don't you take one lug nut from each of the remaining 3 tires and place them on the front tire that has none. That will allow you to drive slowly into town where you can have the tire fixed properly."

Stunned, the traveler looked at the patient for the longest time and finally said "That's absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much!" As he turned back to the car, he stopped and facing the patient again asked " Say, how is it that here I am on this side of the fence and free, yet couldn't figure out this problem...and there you are on the inside of the fence, a patient of a mental hospital , and figured it out rather quickly?"

The patient just smiled a knowing smile and said "I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid!"

The point of this story is just to show how the traveler is a lot like most of the public that we sometimes call "sheeple". They realize that there is a problem with the way things are, but are totally dumbfounded about what to do.

The patient is representative of the prepping community. We see the problem, and even though we are considered a bit crazy by a lot of the so called "normal" world, we have some of the answers to reducing the negative effects, if folks would only ask.

After all, we may be a little "crazy", but we are NOT stupid! Now, how about a fresh cup of coffee, my friend?


  1. How true. What a wonderful story.

  2. Yes, and how many will we be helping in the end?

  3. Hey Sue...thank you for dropping by this morning. I appreciate it.

    Hey Tony...good to see you, my friend. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. awesome analogy!!!

  5. Hey Pickdog...thanks for dropping in. Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Great Story Jim! Have a great day!

  7. Hey Scout...good to see you! Thanks for the visit...and you have a good day as well, my friend!

  8. Morning Jim! As a younger lad, I had that same exact situation happen with my VW Baja Bug. It is a strange feeling to see your tire proceeding you down the road! I found one lug nut, and had to borrow from the other wheels! Now if I had just remembered to tighten them thoroughly!

  9. I always had a fear of this happening to me. Glad it never did...

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  10. Good story, I hope you have a great day!


  11. ...yep,better than the last

    ...and ditto to pickdogs comment,a very fittin analogy indeed...goodstory...

  12. Hey glad you could come by today and that you liked the little story!

    Hey Ken...good to see you, my brother! Hope all is well with you...

    Thanks for stopping by and for the gracious comment.

  13. Absolutely brilliant, uncle! I love it.

  14. Hey Nephew...Glad you liked it. Appreciate the visit!

  15. Would want him on my side of the fence anytime!
