Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time For A Little Saturday Silliness...

This is something mainly for the kiddies...or maybe for the kid in all of us!

I was going to write something about the escalating trouble brewing between Japan and North Korea, or maybe the latest financial fiasco of the Government, or the further collapse of the sanity of the so called leaders of our country...but instead I thought maybe we could just take time to blank out the reality of everyday madness.

Just for the briefest of moments, let's all go back to a time when we enjoyed the ignorance and bliss of childhood, when our biggest problems could be banished with a 3 minute cartoon, and the rest of the day seemed better for it!

I have a feeling the problems we have facing us will still be here after we take a small sit back, grab a fresh cup, and relax for a couple of minutes! OK? OK!

Have a good day, my friends! The coffee is on me!


  1. Good Morning!

    Thanks for the memories, and the giggles.
    I'm off to grab a quick cup of coffee.

    Have a great day!


  2. Good morning to ya, Felinae...a little silly, I know, but sometimes it just helps to slow us down a tad.

    Appreciate the visit today...

  3. Thanks for that Jim.

    That's why I've been watching movies all day long for the past 4 or days! As the time may come when we are unable to do that.


  4. Very true John...very true! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. ...saturday mornin' cartoons on was ever on sunday morns...

    ...flashback,remember Bill that man,thanx Jim,for more than you know...

  6. Hey would think that with all the technology we have today... somewhere somehow the folks in charge would figure out that maybe they should put cartoons back on again on Sunday morning.

    Wonder what ever happened to Bill Kennedy?

  7. Funny. Grandma had been buying the dvd's for the kids, Tom & Jerry is a favorite.

    Hermit, Is there anyway that you could let Bullseye know that I cannot log in with my google account. I read him by clicking from your sidebar to keep my own link collection under control (ha!). I'd like to keep reading him but might need some help from his end. Thanks.

  8. Hey Stephanie...I'll try but I can't get into Bulleys's site myself. I think he is making ome changes to it.

    Thanks for coming by!

  9. Wasn't it great when cartoons were cartoons and not this shmess they have now. Didn't todays animators grow up with the fun stuff?
