Monday, May 18, 2009

An Unsettling Feeling...!

Do you ever have an unsettling feeling?

You know the type I mean. It's not quite an uneasy feeling, but at the same time it just isn't comfortable. It's a lot like the feeling you get in the back of your mind when you start to wonder what you forgot when on a trip.

It's the kind of feeling you get when you know you are alone, but you keep glancing behind you just in case. You just can't help it. That feeling that is somewhere between gloom and comfort. A feeling of restlessness.

I'm wondering if it all the negativity of the city that I'm somehow being affected by. Sort of like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I somehow get a vague feeling that I should be doing something, and yet I can't think of what I should be doing.

Maybe I just have rabbit in my blood. Maybe the wanderlust is catching up with me. Maybe it's nothing more than the weather...who knows?

Whatever it is, it's a nagging feeling that just won't go away. All of last night and so far most of today, this feeling is hanging on, is being very persistent. If I have learned anything at all in all my years, it's to pay attention to my feelings, especially if they continue to linger more than just a little while.

I'm double checking everything I can think of and making sure that the animals are within close proximity, but they too seem to be picking up on something. For some reason, the cats are sticking close and wanting to be petted a little more than usual, even my Mother's cat. I thought that it was because Mom was out of town for a visit at first, but for the past two days, she has been very close and even tolerant of the two roomies when they are on the patio at the same time.

Something is coming this way. I'm not sure what it is, I don't know if it's anything major or not...just that I should be ready just in case.

Maybe it's silly and just in my head. Maybe I just need a strong drink. Maybe I need another cup of coffee. Or maybe, just maybe...I should be getting ready to hunker down for a bit. Whatever the reason, I'll be spending a lot more time inside today, paying close attention to the news on the web.

I guess maybe it's like the old saying goes..."This to shall pass". C'mon, friend! Let's grab another cup of coffee and sit for a bit while listening for the warning bells!


  1. Hey Flea...
    Glad to know that others are having similar feelings. Sorta lends credence to mine, ya know?

    Guess all we can do is to be ready for anything...anything at all!

    Good to have company on this one...thanks!

  2. You're wise to "listen to the little voice" . Its usually correct! Not many people are in tune with their surroundings. Keep us posted if you figure this one out.
    Have a good evening.

  3. Hey Sue...
    I don't have a clue as to what is causing this, but I'm more on guard today than usual...

    I try and stay tuned in to my surroundings as much as I can, and I always pay attention to my "little voice".

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to come by today! I appreciate it...

  4. Me too Jim, now that you mention it. I've found myself checking supplies and gear several times in the last week or so. Go figure.

  5. Hey Sam...
    Funny feeling, don't you agree? Very disturbing, to say the least.

    If this feeling gets any stronger, I'm gonna be forced to take a little road trip to the desert for a while...

    Thanks for coming by, Sam.

  6. Thats what I'm thinking. We've been shopping for our new-to-us home (rural retreat) for awhile now. I've been feeling an urgency in this department particularly. Balancing the urgency, opportunity and timing now days is like roller skating on a busy street; sooner or later...

  7. Hey Sam...
    Good luck on the quest. I hope something turns up soon for you.

    My 5 acres in the desert is looking better and better all the time...

  8. The feeling of foreboding seems to be shared far and wide - everywhere I go, everywhere I look, people are withdrawing, pulling into their shells, and making ready for a big blow.

    Because I have a dash of paranoia on my plate, I can't always tell if I'm feeling neurons misfiring or if I'm really noticing the weather signs.

    Just now? I am really hoping it's the neurons talking.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  9. Hey Kyddryn...
    I guess that a good old fashioned dose of paranoia is sometimes a good thing! Like the man said "Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me!"

    Guess we'll just play the wait and see game for a bit.

    Thanks so much for dropping in and for the comments!

  10. Oh, the old reliable little voice. Listen to it, Jim, and just do what you can to be in tune so you can get your answers. I have a feeling of restlessness, too, and it came very suddenly this morning as I was walking out the door to go to work. It has stuck with me all day. Take care and don't pooh pooh the little voice (although friends and relatives may say we're crazy).

  11. Hey Ginger...
    You know I'm paying attention to it, for sure! I never ignore those feelings, never!

    All of us that pay attention don't care how crazy others say we are, we'll come out ahead in the head!

    Thanks for coming by, friend...

  12. Maybe you should be loading magazines, gathering and loading your preps, preparing the BOV and heading out before the storm hits...

    I feel it too, something dark and evil.

    Something Wicked Comes...

  13. Hey Scout...
    Got everything ready and good to go...I try and stay that way every day now.

    Just can't shake this feeling of foreboding, ya know?

    Thanks so much for coming by, Scout!

  14. Ya know, I don't think we are supposed to be able to shake that feeling. It is given to us to bring our awareness levels to a high level so as to avoid danger that might otherwise claim us.

    I stop by everyday Jim, I am just reverting to my roots of being a lurker: Watching and listening, weighing information for its value, or warning!

  15. Hey Scout...
    You're probably right about that. It certainly worke for me, I'll tell ya.

    I think that a plan of action has started to become very clear to me and tomorrow I start in earnest with the putting into action the plan just as I am seeing it in my mind. It's just to clear and plain not to follow.

    Thanks for the comments today, my friend!

  16. These are certainly interesting days. I think we're all feeling it, maybe just some don't realize it yet.

  17. Hey Jim, I've had that feeling for quite some time also. As if there is something imminent - something to be wary of and be on your toes about. Sometimes I think it has to do with reading conspiracy sites and the likes, other times, I am convinced its our current state of affairs. To boot, my car was broken into last week. Had to be kids, just change was taken - but I live in a rural country area and have not locked my car in over 15 plus years (except in shopping lots) Now, I'm always locking it and looking around. Sometimes we just get paranoid I think just because of what we're subjected to, or subjecting ourselves to. Let's hope we're all wrong.

  18. Hiya Jim!!! Back in town for a day and catching up...
    I had a weird thing happen to me on Friday. I wasn't feeling 100% when we headed up to our cabin. I was "off" know? Our dog wouldn't leave my side - stuck to me like glue all day which is odd for her. At 4:30 I got a black headache that just wouldn't go away even after throwing up several times. (sorry tmi)I've never been that sick before in my life! Anyway, she knew there was something wrong with me hours before it really hit! Please be careful. It could be a health thing for you too...those little fur babies know so much more than we do!
    In any case, give the strong drink a try...that never hurts! hehe
    Hugs to yah,

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