Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Being Human...!

What the hell happened to our morality?

I was watching television for a change this afternoon, and I was noticing all the trash that passes for commercials now days. Pretty sad! Pretty sad, indeed!

I was bombarded with commercials for male enhancement pills, uplifting bras, creams and lotions for enhancing and increasing sexual enjoyment , Trojans,women's sex toys, vacuum pumps, phone numbers for sex lines, dating services for male and female, male and male, female and female .....on and on and on!

Now, I am no prude by any means. I enjoy the opposite sex as much as anyone. However, I do believe that there is something so wrong when the main focus of our lives is on self gratification. I think it's a sign of something being wrong when we have to get a computer service to match us up with someone that's compatible. I think it's wrong when we are more concerned with talking dirty over the phone with some false persona, instead of meeting someone we like in person and going out for coffee and a face to face conversation.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be that we are leaning more and more toward letting services and machines do our selecting for us. We are depending more and more on drugs and chemicals to help us achieve what should be a natural gratification. We are more and more letting agencies and advertising firms dictate who we should and shouldn't like

.We are being told how we should dress, what to wear, where to eat, what to believe, what car to drive, what religion to belong to, what books are acceptable, what jobs we should have, how much we should save, what to teach our children, who we should put in office, what clubs to belong to, when to exercise, what to weigh and even what we can and cannot say or write!

You know what? I think that I want to go back to the day when I can meet someone, say, at the library. I want to introduce myself to them, maybe share a cup of coffee, have long talks about absolutely nothing at all of any importance to none but us. Maybe then we will reach a point where we start holding hands or sharing a hug and finally maybe even moving into a relationship with one another!

All without the use of machines, without the dating services, without the mind numbing assault of the media, without the approval or disapproval of some state agency...only controlled and guided by my own heart. This may not be the perfect way, but I want to be one of the rebels that chooses my own way, makes my own decisions for right or wrong!

I'm only human. I'm destined as a human to make mistakes. I'm destined as a human to make bad choices. I'm destined as a human to be unhappy at times and joyous at others. I'm destined as a human to cry and laugh and wonder and dream and hope!

In simple terms, as a human I am destined to merely live my life as best I can...making a difference in the world if I can and accepting the things I cannot change. After all, I'm only Human and that is good enough for me!

Now let's get some coffee, my friend, and sit on the patio for a bit.Seems like the thing to do!


  1. Are you saying we have become mushrooms? (Kept in the dark and fed horseshit!)

    Seriously, I think you are right on!

  2. Hey Darius...
    I have to admit that sometimes I feel as though the PTB are trying so hard to cloud our minds and direct our thoughts, that we become almost programed and function as others wish and not as free willed individuals.

    Hope that make sense! Thanks for coming by today...

  3. Funny timing on this post-I just called Directv last night and cancelled. It was to the point that all we could stand to watch was the news (and who needs THAT?)
    I can do a lot of good with $60 a month!
    Take care, Jim!

  4. Spot on HJ.

  5. You are so right about the commercials. And how do you explain what those things are to the kids that happen to see it?

    I don't watch much TV except for the news. At least I can control it. I use the button - OFF.

  6. Morning to yah Jim!! You know most people don't even see it...because it's been slowly getting worse over the years. The smut and filth creeps in and then we "accept" it. Then it's ratcheted up a notch and we "accept" it again. Then one day you look back and think "holy crap, what happened? How did we get here?"
    Thanks for the coffee this morning Jim! I think I'll sit a spell and then take the "littles" to the park. Have a terrific day!!!!

  7. Thankfully the tv's still have an off button. Nothing but smut. But then again that old saying: sex sells. I just don't know who is buying. Good post Jim.

    Now where is that sweet thing I'm having coffee with? Oh ya back at the library.

  8. Being told what to do, how, and when? Sounds kinda like our government, huh? But, I guess that's another day, same story. Yeah, the library has always been a multi-use tool in our family - seems like it still is. I'm having a cup with you, Bubba, although at my office computer. I can still see more trees than asphalt,the sun between the trees, and no one is looking over my shoulder, so it could be a lot worse. Love you lots - cookies this weekend!

  9. What TV channel were you watching ?

  10. Good morning my Special Friend,
    I got you on this one too. I was sitting watching tv with my grandson and that ky commercial came on I wanted to crawl under my chair. He thought it was funny of course being 18 he is no dummy. but for me it was awful. I'll take the marathon talks and taking it slow anyday. Maybe thats why I prefer books and my laptop, to tv . And canceling dirctv doesn't sound bad either. I thought payed tv was so we didn't have to watch commercials, wasnt that the idea so many long years ago when it came out? Oh well good post as usual my friend.
    Pass the pot sweetie and what was that about cookies?

  11. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/06/14/2009-06-14_risqueacute_business_calvin_klein_billboard_in_soho_too_sexy_say_some.html

    Was it this billboard that prompted this post, Jim?


    Or maybe this Ikea commercial?

    Yeah, its getting bad.

  12. I was thinking recently....we can have a virtual pet, a virtual garden, virtual relationships, even virtual sex.
    Why not get out there and live REAL life?
    I'd rather be in my REAL garden with my REAL pet and maybe someday again have REAL sex, with a REAL person.

    It seems our culture makes it easier and easier to forget we are real humans by getting sucked into a world that isn't real. It's important to step back and remember.
    Getting rid of the TV is a good way to start, but internet can suck us in just as surely.

    Commercials are nauseating, but sometimes I like to watch them from an "alien" point of view. You can pick up pretty quickly on what our collective fears and weaknesses are because that is what commercials play to, and the kind of humans they create; weak fearful ones.
    Good post.

  13. Hey Sue...
    I guess that if enough of us cancelled our cable or DirectTV, maybe they would get the message. Then again, maybe not! Doesn't say much for the moral fiber of our society, does it?

    Thanks, Sue, for the visit!

    Hey YOF...
    Makes ya a little sick, doesn't it? Thanks for coming by, my friend!

    Hey Rae...
    What ever happened to the people in charge of keeping things clean on the air? Sad state of affairs...

    Thanks for coming by, Rae!

    Hey Cath...
    I think the park is an excellent idea! Fresh air, swings, slides...man, what a good way to spend the day!

    Good for you, Cath! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey Tony...
    Why you rascal, you! No wonder I've been seeing you at the library so much lately!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Sis...
    Nice to have an office with a view of a real live tree, huh? If you have to work for a living, might as well be in pleasant surroundings!

    I vote YES on the cookies this weekend! In fact, I vote YES on cookies anytime!

    Hy, thanks for coming by, Sis!

    Hey Bigunsfan...
    It seems to be spreading across more and more channels to me. I have all but given up on them all except for a few...History channel, TCM, Discovery,...and a few others that I don't have to watch commercials on!

    I appreciate the visit today...

    Hey JoJo...
    People laugh when some of us complain about the smut and say "Don't watch!", but the point is that this stuff just shouldn't be allowed to be accepted as family viewing! There are channels that are directed toward folks other than family an children...let them advertise this stuff!

    Guess I'm just old fashioned...but I ain't changing!

    Thanks for coming by, Lady!

    Hey Catman...
    I hadn't seen those particular links before, but that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about! It's like they are saying to us "Here it is...live with it!"

    I don't do well being forced to do anything, ya know? Wouldn't be surprised if that billboard didn't accidently burn down!

    I guess porno is OK with the PTB now days...

    Thanks for the links, buddy, and for the visit!

  14. Hey Maitreya...
    You make some very valid points! I hate to think that we, as a people, are reflected in our commercials...but after all, just like you said they play to our weak points.

    A little interaction with another living, breathing person is a very good thing from time to time!

    I appreciate you coming by and the excellent comments this morning.

  15. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir.

    I often mute commercials - too loud, too strident, too much information. I wonder if we are being offered so many forms of instant self-gratification because we need to be distracted...because, if we aren't distracted, we may start to notice the world, the people around us, we may start to think for oursleves, make choices, make changes. Offer up distractions, though, and...oooh, butterflies!

    Meeting people the old-fashioned way is lovely...but...not always possible. Sometimes, to find someone of like mind, of like spirit, one must look farther afield. Thanks to the Blue Nowhere, I have friends all over the world, people I trust to be honest, open, themselves...and they have been consistently so. I've leaned on some of these friends in the past...and while it's not the same as having a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, a body to share coffee and muffins with, it's better than being isolated.

    I don't hold much truck with those dating services, though. I prefer going through the process, the lovely thrill of discovering a new friend, a new love, making a new connection person to person, not machine to machine.

    Meanwhile - I think I'll watch a few more sunsets, a few more fireflies in the trees, and a few less shows/commercials on television.


    Shade and Sweetwater,

  16. ...spot on as usual Jim,i HATE TV...HATE IT...but you are right when you say it's the morals of these last few generations...remember having to actually ask permission to date a mans daughter ?...how about supervised visits/dates prior to 'anything' ?...meeting parents of kids etc ?...i'm told daily by my offspring how 'old fashioned' my wife and i are...you know what ? i strive to be 'old fashioned' cuz old fashioned i guess means having morals...GoodPost Brother...

  17. I suppose I really don't miss TV all that much, we don't have it mainly because we couldn't get a TV signal when TV was pre-digital, and I REFUSE to PAY to watch TV, I get all of my entertsinment from my computer, you can get streaming movies, streaming TV shows with limited commercials, and the commercials are family friendly, all the streaming audio (talk radio, music, audio books...) that one could possibly want. I can do all of this at MY convenience, not when the networks decide I can watch.

    Honestly I don't miss it, when I'm at my neighbor's house, I find that I get less done because of the TV, I watch it when I'm doing laundry and such, it's all too easy to sit, sit, sit and watch, watch, watch, if I had that at my house, I doubt I would get anything done.

  18. Oh, I forgot to add, I have the best nature channel money can't buy right outside my front door. :) Commercial free.

  19. Hey K...
    Once again, you have said exactly what I was thinking but said it so much better!

    You are one of my newest literary heros, Lady! Well done...!

    Thank you for your visit!

    Hey Ken...
    Along with you, I can remember all of these "old fashioned" things that are archaic by today's standards. If someone calls me old fashioned now days, I take it as a compliment!

    If we can impart just a little of this attitude to our children, we would be making an investment in our future...at least in my opinion!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey Wretha...
    How right you are about the things we first consider hard to do without slowly becoming hard to accept.

    I have been as guilty as anyone at being a T.V. junkie from time to time...thank goodness I have changed direction. Now I am striving for the same channel out my front door as you have!

    Thanks so much for stopping in, my friend!

  20. WOW K What a beautiful comment and strong.
    And as for you Mr Old Fashion you are a rare breed. Don't you dare change a thing about you.

  21. Hey JoJo...
    She does have a way with words, doesn't she? Both K and Rae can paint an image so clearly, I can easily see it in my mind!

    Me...? I'm not likely to change a bit in the near future!

  22. You want to talk abot getting me going? I am on my way to meet the realtor but Iam rip roaring mad right now and I am sure it won't be getting any better. e-mail you later.

  23. Hey JoJo...
    I do know one thing for sure! I don't want to be in your way when you get really angry! My instinct tells me to hide in a safe place!

    I await your email...guardedly!

  24. The e-mail is there! and don't be laughing at me either. I know you will cause I made me laugh. Most of it anyway. Just called to check on grandson in lots of pain but got that app. for tomorrow.
    JoJo the Sicilian Terror

  25. Late to the party as usual...
    Guess there's a reason why our tv hasn't been on any other channel than PBS in a while! Though, I always wonder about the actors in some of those commercials...do they want to turn to the camera and reassure all the viewers that they are, indeed, merely acting and are not truly inflicted with whichever ailment it is that they are hocking cures for?

    Now, I'm sore and dirty from weeding my actual garden in the actual dirt. I think I'll forgo the coffee for a glass of tea!

  26. Hey JoJo...
    Got the e,ail, and I wouldn't laugh at you by any means! I know better!

    I know that this is very frustrating indeed, but try and not let it get you down. Easier said than done, I know...just hang in there!

    Hey Dori...
    Sounds like you had a fun day digging in the dirt! PBS is good...along with others like Discovery.

    You want that tea with sugar or without? I got it both ways...Thanks for the visit!

  27. I like it when they are pushing a drug and then start telling you about all the side effects. Seems to me your better off with out it.


  28. Psst. Hey Jim, I think you might have been on the porno channel. lol. But seriously, I can see exactly what you're saying. The times have sure changed alot. I can see it all myself.

  29. Hey Rod...
    The side effects can kill ya for sure! Far as I'm concerned, I ain't taking anything that the side effects can be worse than the condition, ya know?

    Thanks for the visit, Rod!

    Hey FCH...
    I'm afraid now days all channels are turning into the porno channel! Sad days, for sure...!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  30. I was very young, but remember very well the first time a commercial was shown selling a product for "men's athletic underwear itch" & how my grandpa was outraiged & raised all kinds of cain about the terribleness esp. when small children were around - about choked to death too as he had to keep swallowing all the colorful military words he wanted to use. We use the tv for videos and that's about it, nothing worth watching & exposing the kids.

  31. Hey Stephanie...
    Times have indeed changed and not for the better!

    I keep wondering what my father would have made of all this crap going on today!

    Thanks, Stephanie, for dropping by!
