Monday, June 15, 2009

Only We Decide...!

There seems to be an undercurrent of sadness in a lot of the blogs I've read lately.

That's certainly understandable, considering everything that's going on in our corner of the world. But I wonder if our trying to concentrate our attention on the world in general, we miss the fact that many of us have personal issues to deal with as well!

You know, sometimes our paths in life seem to be well defined and clearly marked. Other times, surprises both big and small seem to come out of nowhere to trip us up, hide our path, and confuse our plans. That's the nature of life in general, I guess.

It isn't how we travel the path that defines us, but how we deal with the surprises, both big and small. Many times our strength comes not from whether or not we overcome the obstacles, but from the fact that we stand up and face them head on. It doesn't matter how many times we get knocked down, but what matters is how many times we can stand back up!

Sometimes we have to consider the fact that our backs against the wall just means that the wall, used properly, can be another form of support.Believe me, I know...I've been there myself!

In the end, it's not the support or the concern of others or the clearing of our path that really makes the difference. In the end, the one thing that will decide our success or our failure is just how bad we want it. We must decide to stand back up. We must decide if we can still clearly see the path we chose. We must decide if we still want to continue, even if it is alone. In short, we must decide just how badly we want it!

If we can do all of these things, nothing can stop us, nothing can deter us, nothing can defeat us...NOTHING!

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a while. I would really enjoy the company of a good friend or two!


  1. HJ, you sure hit the nail on the head with this one my friend...


  2. Good morning stranger,
    This is a great post. And very true. It is our own strength that some times we seem to lose. And we fall. And yes the wall can be the place for support, or if we look it is a friend and you may not have ever met this person up close but they are are friends none the less. But as Jim said WE must get back up and fight the fight and find our way back. Don't be to proud to not let someone help. Its OK to reach out for that helping hand.
    Now I think I will go to sleep and wait a few hours for that cup on the patio My Special Friend.

  3. Hey Wretha...
    Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that you liked the post and I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Good morning to you, Lady! Glad you enjoyed the post this morning and I'm glad you agree with it.

    You get some rest and I'll talk to you a bit later. Thanks for coming by...

  4. Just get up one more time than you fall. Life is good.

    Like you said Jim-How bad do you want it. Then go get it. Never give up. I'm there on the patio, pass the pot.

    see ya

  5. Good morning Jim! This has to be the finest post I've read in a very long time!!! How'd you get to be so darn smart?!
    I think I could use a small hug with my coffee this morning and don't forget the kleenex cause I'm gonna cry a little...okay?
    Have a fabulous day, my friend!
    P.S. Would it be okay if I printed off your post? I'd like to stick it on my fridge.

  6. Morn'n, ya'll

    That coffee smells good. yum

    Please remember to carry the right tools.
    Good samaritans stop to help you.
    Predators stop to help themselves.

  7. Good morning again,
    Cath, I am sorry you are hurting. I hope what ever it is will ease your hurt soon. I don't think Mr. Hermit would mind one bit if you printed his blog. I this a few times and when he did the reflection for me and my dad I printed some of the comments as well. There is a great support team here.
    Now my friend pass the pot please.
    I set mine up last night but forgot to set the dial to auto. And to think I was reminding you to make sure you set you send for the blog.

  8. Hey Tony...
    I'm right with ya, my friend. It's an honor to share a cup with you any day!

    Thanks for coming by, Tony!

    Hey Cath...
    I'm so glad to see you this morning...just pull up a chair!

    Listen, I am so glad you found the post to be a good read and want you to know that hugs are free on my patio!

    Sometimes tears contain the salt of life and a hug shares the strength of a friend !

    You are always welcome here, my friend!

    Hey Vlad...
    Very important in life to have the proper tools.
    Thanks for the link to your post. Some very good information there. Very good indeed!

    Thanks for the visit, Vlad!

  9. You're right on the point, Jim!

    We can't let the bastards get us down!

  10. Hey Catman...
    Good to have you come by today! lways in the moodfor your visit...

    I'm glad you can be part of my support, buddy! I need ll the strong help I can get...maybe we all do!

  11. So far, I've managed to stand up once more than I've been knocked down, Mister Hermit Sir, and that's all I can hope for.

    Well...maybe not ALL, but it's a good start.

    Good of you to reach a hand down and help a body up.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who knows what she wants, if not how to attain it...yet...)

  12. Hey K...
    In the end, if the tally sheet shows more ups than down, then we win!

    Helping a friend stand makes us all a little bit taller!

    I do appreciate you coming over today, my friend!

  13. Very true. The Albanians have a saying "As long as there is life there is hope" considering what their country has been through and yet they hang on...(lots of refugees & men immigrated for work in my old home region) What is the other choice - lay down & die? I'll take the wall anyday.

  14. Hey Stephanie...
    I like that saying and think it's an excellent frame of mind for us all to keep.

    I'm with you on the wall, girl!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  15. Great post Jim.
    My favorite part; "It isn't how we travel the path that defines us, but how we deal with the surprises, big and small."
    To me that is the essence of being a survivor. Being able to roll with the changes and adapt, no matter what.
    Very inspiring post. Words we can all stand to live by.

    I'm ready for round two...Fill 'er up!

  16. Hey Maitreya...
    I couldn't agree more about the ability to adapt being so important today. I'm glad you liked the post, my friend.

    I do hope your continuing jurney is filled with good things! Thanks for taking th time to stop by!

  17. Thanks again Jim...and if those hugs are free, I think I'll take 2 if you don't mind!
    And thank you too JoJo!

  18. Very well spoken Hermit, at the very time I needed to here this reminder.
    Thank you for your insight,

  19. Hey Cath...
    No limits on hugs here...ever! The only thing we ask is that for each one you get, you give out two! Does everyone good, ya know?

    Hey Smunkey...
    Glad you could find something useful in the post today!

    Hey, I really apprecite the visit very much, my friend!

  20. As you well know I have been pushed down numerous times. I am tired jim, so very tired. I had thought things would get better as I got older. hahaha! But I do, for some bizarre reason, stand back up, brush myself off and move on. And sometimes it pays off, and sometimes my butt hurts. Today is a good day.

  21. Hey Phelan...
    I can feel ya on the being tired part!

    I firmly believe the old saying that "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"

    About the only thing that getting older has made easier for me is taking a nap!

    Thanks for coming over today, Phelan...
