Friday, June 19, 2009


At some time or another, we may be forced to make some changes!

Now don't worry, I'm not talking about changes in your lifestyle, or plans, or even your beliefs. The changes I'm talking about are the outward changes, the outward appearances, the ability to blend in with your surroundings.

Think of it as wearing camouflage in a hunting situation, only now you are using it in any situation to become a very low profile target.

There will be people looking for the standouts, the self reliant, the folks that are known to have food or weapons in quantity. They may be looking for nothing more than money or drugs in the form of scripted medicines. Whatever the case, it might be to our advantage to blend in, to appear to conform, to look like we are the same as all around us.

It doesn't matter who is doing the looking...the government, the neighbors, or even some roaming band of petty criminals. At some time, in certain situations, your best bet may be to make some changes! Don't talk about your provisions. Don't talk very much about your bug out plans or your destination. try to avoid any discussion that would reveal your dissatisfaction with the PTB, if the neighbors are pro don't have to agree, just don't appear to be on the fringe and draw attention to yourself.

If all else fails, then maybe we can all take some lessons from this little guy. Talk about blending in! Mother Nature is a MASTER at this...and we could learn a lot by just being observant!

Now why don't we get some coffee, my friend, and sit for a bit on the patio. Today we can take pleasure in the fact that we are surrounded by friends! That's always a good thing!!


  1. Morning Jim;

    Good advice-can you see me now?

  2. morn'n
    where is everybody?

    good advice about the low profile.
    urge them to prepare. they will be amused,exchange significant glances, and do noting. later when they are hungry they'll be at your door. beware the woman willing to do anything for food. she is the bait. you won't see the guy with 308 waiting for a shot at your head.

  3. Good morning Jim,
    I just found your blog yesterday and love it. So glad to hear someone else in Houston is concerned about prepping. Sharing about prepping is a topic I struggle with. Most of my friends / family are not prepared. I was amazed during Ike at the poor level of preps. However, a few have opened their eyes and started getting ready after my discussions with them and current events screaming in their face. Now I'm even helping them so they don't start from ground zero with "what do I do?". But the downside is: those who did nothing will show up at my door if the things get crazy. BIG DOWNSIDE. I may regret trying to help people. A house in the country down a long dirt road is looking really good right now:)

  4. Good advise,my Bubba,but never lose touch with those who love you the most!

  5. P.S. This little guy is amazing although he seems to be saying ,"'Nuff already!"

  6. Hey Tony...
    Almost didn't see ya there! Good to hsve you drop by today!

    Hey Vlad...
    I'm afraid that many will fall into the trap of "please help me" but by then, the door will have been shut for good!

    Trust will leave at the same time as law and order, I'm thinking!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

    Hey Housto...
    I didn't know if there was any more of us around or not! I'm getting to where I don't even try to convince many folks in the city any it seems that too many are locked in to the lisestyle.

    Nice of you to try and help others get started, but just remind them of the "my family first" rule when things start getting crazy!

    Hard, but necessary! Thanks for thevisit this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Good of you to come by this morning to share a cup.

    Staying in touch won't be a problem for me! Personal appearances might be!

    Good to see you today!

  7. Speaking of CYA
    Right now if someone broke through your living room door how far are you from a gun?? (If it aint loaded the owner is a retard.)
    When I dress I put a Colt 45 in beltslide. That is so I will know here it is. When I retire I lay the 45 within reach
    Start now to to wear a concealed sidearm at home at all times.
    I hear that any woman worth a damn will kill to feed her kids. What two things would you refuse to do to feed your starving kids?
    All those nice ladies who laughed will remember Houstonmom who so earnestly urged her to prepare.
    When SHTF be armed or be raped by AIDS infected streetscum and/or robbed of your preps.
    Naaaaaaaah forget it. It cant happen to you.

  8. Hey Beth...
    I think it probably takes a lot of concentration to do so many changes so fast...but what do I know?

    Hey Vlad...
    Very true...especiallyhere in the city! I'm thinking that our biggest problem is going to be our "neighbors"...but I hope I'm wrong.

    Better safe than sorry!

  9. Mornin Jim, Best coffe around great advice!

  10. Hey Scout...
    Good to see you back again, my friend! Glad you like the coffee...

    I sure do appreciate the visit from you this morning...

  11. That's good advice, especially for people living in the cities, and especially for myself driving state to state, it will be increasingly necessary for me to adapt to all kinds of situations...but then when I go home, I'm completely surrounded by like minded folks so I can blend in better in my natural state.

  12. Hey AP...
    I would imagine that you have to practise this more than most, being as how you are on the road so much!

    Getting back home to a group you can be comfortable with would make me more at ease myself!

    Thanks for taking the time to come by...

  13. Good morning My Special Friend.
    Good sound advise this day. But you usualy do give the best. Lets have some coffee on the patio with other good friends and enjoy.I guess we have to wait for the cookies until tomorrow?

  14. Hey JoJo...
    Yep, Baby sis said she as bring cookies tomorrow! However, I did bake some bread yesterday, and I can get ya some fresh buttered bread with some honey!

    Not a bad way to start the day!

    Good to see you, sweetie...

  15. Mornig HJ,
    Chores made me late. Hope there's still some of that homemade bread left. I'm a sucker for warm homemade bread and butter with good coffee. Urban/social camouflage? For city folks, it's pretty much mandatory.? If you look/sound like you're worse off than the next guy, who'd want to hijack you?
    Food for thought, all right.
    Here's to ya!!

  16. Fresh baked bread!! The offer still stands. LOL

  17. Hey YOF...
    Plenty of bread left and I'm baking some more today! Found a jar of home made jam in the pantry and figured we might as well get some use out of it, ya know?

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey JoJo...
    See? I'm a pretty handy guy to have around sometimes! You just never know...

  18. Hey there Jim!! I'd like to see him sitting on a zebra! lol
    That fresh warm bread slathered in butter is also pretty good dipped in pure maple syrup! Yum! lol
    Have a fabulous day, Jim!

  19. Hey Cath...
    Now you got me wanting some maple syrup! My mouth is gonna water all day if we keep talking about food!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  20. Good Morning, Uncle Hermit :D
    I guess it's just hitting afternoon where you are isn't it? so good afternoon.

    Really great advice, once again.

    As for the chameleon, he is one cool little dude! My daughter watched the video and now she's trying to convince me and Catman that it would be a good pet. Haha!

    I think I'll need extra coffee this morning. :D


  21. Hey Felinae...
    Just turned into afternoon here...I'm glad you like the little bit of advice, but I'm sure you and the Catman already knew all of that!

    As far as the chameleon, I'm really an affiliate of the "Buy a lizard" program, and just looking to increase sales! (you do know I'm joking, right?)

    I understnd they do make good pets, though! BTW, they eat if you have a problem along those lines, they might help!

  22. I think I smell that new loaf. Mmmm
    ia that sweet butter? Oh you can be trouble. :O
