Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ready Or Not, Here It Comes...!

Now there is an interesting article in the Houston Chronicle and I have to say, it does make me wonder...

The Government has decided that because of it's glorious success in the past, the Congress of the United States has voted to give the FDA far reaching power to regulate the making and marketing of cigarettes!

That's right, friend. The same agency that allowed the distribution of tainted peanut butter to be made available to consumers is now going to be in charge of the manufacturing of cigarettes. This new legislation will allow the FDA to regulate the ingredients in tobacco products.

Now this strikes me as wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to start! Besides getting into the banking and auto business, the Feds are now going into the tobacco business! I guess the next logical step is to move into the liquor business.

It appears to me that the plan is being implemented to take over and control the "luxury" items like cigarettes, liquor, media industries including television, and then when all of these are under control...the Government can move on to the real target on the list. FOOD!

If you don't think that the control of the food supply is part of the agenda, I don't think you are seeing the long term picture! We have already seen some traces of fedgov control in the food industry, and I would be willing to bet that a move on full blown control is just around the corner.

There are very good examples around the world of societies that have allowed their governments to take over control of things like medicine, manufacturing, food industries, movies, newspapers, fuel supplies and so on and so on. How do you think that's working for the average citizens?

Want to get a glimpse of what's in our future? Find a copy of George Orwell's "1984" and give it a read! When it first came out, it was considered to be pure hogwash and very, very unlikely. seems not only likely but very probable!

The warning flags are being raised in large numbers, my friends. We had better start really watching the workings of the PTB and paying more attention to the innocent looking bills being passed that, if the truth be told, do nothing to protect the consumers but serve only to control them. You can bet that hidden inside some of these seemingly harmless bills are hidden the laws that will spell out just another set of steps to do away with the choices we think we are in control of.

I hate to say it, but I can see that somewhere down the road, we will no longer have the freedom to chose our religions, our schooling for our children, the providers of our health care, the food that we eat, or even where we live!

All I can say is that it is a very good thing that those of us that are members of the "prepping" community are always prepping and getting ready for anything, including the tightening of controls over medicine and food. If we aren't, we should be! I have a feeling that the moves to control these aspects are coming a lot sooner than any of us ever even considered!

I think the Scouts had it right when they used the motto "Be Prepared!"...

Now let's get some coffee, sit around the patio table and discuss... just what the hell is coming next!


  1. I'm really worried as well - executive orders used to be used pretty sparingly, but this president seems to be using them ALMOST EVERY DAY.

    Appointing 'czars' of some crisis very casually - no congressional hearings / votes needed to confirm and is only accountable to his majesty er handler er The Prez, seems like a whole lot of shenanigans can and will occur. So much for cabinet positions - must be difficult to determine who is in charge of what crisis at any given time, any given place.

    All I've heard from PTB is we are in a financial crisis and must spend our way out of this crisis - huh? I echo the sentiment - JUST WTH IS COMING NEXT? I don't know, but I don't think it will be good.

    And the press just keeps playing along. Heard The Prez complaining on how hard it is to have a TV network (FOX) always out to get him. Geezy Peasy man, how do you think he would be if he received the same coverage Bush II was getting, probably sit down and cry I guess.

    Thanks Hermit - hope that coffee tastes really good.

  2. Morning Jim;

    Seems like the water in the frog pot is getting warmer.

    All we can do now is stay prepared.
    I don't know if that will be enough.

    By the way-how do you store food in the desert without electricty?

    All I want is to be left alone.
    Damn government is trying to take control of everything. Now they are trying to stop the average man from selling property on land contracts. Sucks. What next?
    They are passing shit faster than we can follow it.

    I'll take a cup before they can say I can't drink it no more.

    Oh well 44 days and counting.

  3. You make an excellent point. And it is too scary.
    Our freedoms are slowly being stripped right out from under us. The world id going to be a lot different for my grandchildren I fear.

  4. morn'n

    good coffee!
    Did it MY way said...
    By the way-how do you store food in the desert without electricty?

    It is much easier to answer specific questions. example. How do you store meat
    in the desert? Dry it. Please see

    Ask specific questions to get answers.

  5. Good morning my Special Friend,
    Hmmm Cigarettes the thing that they are trying sooo hard to get people not to do? This is getting to be a bit much. Your right there is to much control going on.
    At least the coffee is very good and very strong this morning out here on the patio.

  6. Good morning, Mister Hermit, Sir.

    This is a rather frightening post to greet the day with...but, necessary, I think.

    So many people are blind to the world around them, cocooned as they are in their comfortable lives with their gadgets and gizmos to distract them.

    People will sell their freedom for comfort, for safety...and it distresses me no end. Yes, I have a comfortable life with many extraneous things around me...but I like to think I am not blinded by these material goods, and know what is truly important. I can leave it all behind if I must...but I hope not to have to.

    Hope springs eternal...'s good to know that people are looking to a future different than the one I hope for, people who have "just in case" in mind.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (caught between hope and fear)

  7. You are so right. We are losing freedoms every day and the end is no where in sight.

  8. Hey Anon 5:45...
    If he thinks he is getting bad press now, just wait until he starts on some more "reform" bills!

    It would be interesting to know what his approval rate is now?

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

    Hey Tony...
    Slowly and surely, more of the choices we used to have are disappearing behind the curtain of government control! Sad, very sad!

    Storing food in the desert is dependent on what you trying to store! Glad you are still on the countdown to getting on the road!

    Thanks for the visit, Tony!

    Hey Rae...
    I think you're right about the world our grand children will face! Not a pleasant thought at all!

    Thanks so much for the visit!

    Hey Vlad...
    One has to adapt and learn how to make the best of whatever situation arises. Getting food, storing food, gardening...all will definitely be a challenge!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    All we can do is like Tony said, and continue to prepare and hope it is enough...

    Glad you like the strong coffee this morning!

    Hey K...
    Plnning for an unpleasant future is just something we must do, like having an insurance policy or a first aid kit! We hope to never have to use them, but have them we must!

    We cannot let the fear and negativity control us, but only guide us a bit in the way of being ready "just in case"

    Thanks so much for dropping by today!

    Hey HoustonMom...
    Glad to see you here this morning! Always room for another friend on the patio!

    So many of the actions to "help" us are nothiong but a form of control...and it is getting worse each and every day!

    Hey Houston...I appreciate the visit this morning!

  9. Jim,

    Cogent as always. I watched Obama with the fly episode.

    I think the fly was trying to tell the American people something. We know where flies frequently like to congregate.

  10. Hey Catman...
    I believe you must be right! Flies do seem to find the most promenate source, don't they?

    Thanks for coming by, bro!

  11. ...mornin'Brother,we were right all along about the way things would progress huh ?...Obammy is a puppet,'created' for the PTB as a scapegoat...they will get 'their' way by any and all means possible...
    ...we'll never stop 'them' i fear...only prolong the inevitable,'they'll purge our rebel blood through attrition...the longer it takes to revolt,the lesser our chances for survival...


  12. Hey Ken...
    This is going to be one of those times that we wished we were wrong...but prepared for the time we were proven to be right!

    Not much of a legacy we can leave behind, is it?

    Thanks for coming over this morning, friend!

  13. Just a quick note to say yep been coming a long time with the nanny laws and regs.Also btw your link is to not the Chronicle formerly George in Texas now George in Oregon.

  14. Hey George...
    Thanks for calling my attention to the incorrect link. I have made the correction, and this time I even tested it!

    Thanks for coming by!

  15. Hey Jim!! It saddens and frightens me to see where we are all if it's okay with you, I'll just sip my coffee here with yah and think pink happy thoughts!
    Have a grand day!

  16. Hey Cath...
    Sad is indeed the right word. All the more so because of the folks that think everything is still all rosey and getting better every day!

    Pull up a chair and join the happy thoughts crowd!

  17. Oh Jim! It's all too much for this little kitty....pour me another cup and punch it up this time OK?...

  18. Hey HJ...long time no blurb, eh?

    I'll just keep on keeping on, putting back what I can and streamlining the junk in the house so that when the time comes to head for the hills I can head quickly...dragging three males behind me, lol.

    No coffee for me today thanks...boiling enough in the hot MO sun!!

  19. Hey Carol...
    Does get to be a little overwhelming from time to time, doesn't it!

    One fortified coffee coming up!

    Hey Ozark Momma...
    I been wondering where you were! Thought you must have run away from home or something...!

    Pretty hot here in Texas as well, but I can't let that keep me from having my coffee, ya know?

    Hey, I thank you for taking the time to drop in and visit!
