Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Got Weeds...?

Have you noticed that everyone seems to have a LOT of weeds this year?

Well, I found some interesting information about some of them that you might find interesting. Of course, the best information for this type of stuff comes from none other but "The Farmers Almanac", where else? Check this out...

Weeds aren’t always what they seem! Young dandelion leaves are an earthly, nutrient-rich addition to salads and other spring recipes.

Spring-Greens Salad

Dandelion Pesto

Dandelion Jelly

Both the leaves and blossoms of dandelions can be used in cooking (if the field has not been sprayed with chemicals).

Beyond cooking, dandelions are also used in many home remedies, from mild diuretics to relaxing body rubs.
Read our Home Remedy pages.

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a while...while we watch the weeds growing in the garden.


  1. The roots are a good sub for coffee. Kind of chocolate in flavor, but not nearly the caffeine.

  2. Hey Phelan...
    I didn't know that! Good information, thanks...!

    Thanks for the visit...

  3. Something else Jim,

    If you really do have a problem with weeds and don't want to resort to grazing like cattle or using Agent Orange In A Bottle (Roundup), use vinegar!

    The acetic acid in vinegar is an excellent and bio friendly weed killer.

  4. Good morning Jim,
    A little late this morning. LOL
    Oh well at least you showed up. Catman I have heard of the vinigar and also bleach. I must have very healthy weeds because those items didn't seem to work for me.
    Well I guess I am off now for some appointments.
    But a cup on the patio is in order first.

  5. Hello, Mister Hermit, sir.

    I'm afraid the weeds I'm in aren't of the useful sort...more pernicious, stinging, clinging, noxious things, these.

    Metaphorically speaking, that is.

    Dandelions, by the way, have some fantastic curative properties, too. I like the for their entertainment value - the Evil Genius adores blowing dandelion puffs, will spend hours at it. Of course, I only let him blow them in OUR yard...wouldn't want to irritate the neighbors with our "weeding"!

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who could use a little cheerful dandelion simplicity just now)

  6. Hey Catman...
    I haven't heard that one before...sounds like a good remedy to me! I'll have to tell the nephew about it! He's doing the garden thing this year, since I'm leaving before long for parts unknown!

    Thanks for the info, brother!

    Hey JoJo...
    When I did my post lawst night and got ready to publish it...I set the publish date and time, but then we got into our marathon phone call before I actually published! I had to go back this morning and hit the fault for getting distracted!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for coming by for a cup...

    Hey K...
    So good to see you this morning, my friend! Sounds like maybe a touch of dandilion wine may be in order!

    Sorry to hear about the other weeds, but the wees in the garden seem to make the food taste better after we do all the work of weeding and pulling...

    I still like to blow a little dandilion puff myself from time to time! Helps to keep me young at heart!

    Thanks for the wee visit today, my friend!

  7. Good Morning, Uncle Hermit,

    I hope your day has gotten off to a good start. :D

    Unfortunately as good as some of those recipes sound, I will have to pass. :( I'm allergic to dandelions. Actually I'm allergic to a lot of grasses, weeds & trees. :)

    You know, I did not know that about the vinegar either and I live with the man, Haha. He keeps all the good info to himself I guess. :D

    Have a wonderful rest of your day!


  8. Hey Felinae...
    Sorry to hear about your allergies...

    What can you do about the Catman...all these wonderful little tidbits of information and he hasn't even told you? Maybe he just wants to maintain his mysterious air for ya and seem more of a romantic figure...NOT!

    He probably just figured you already knew it!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

  9. love those greens in a salad...anybody else had dandelion wine ?...its not a

    ...thanx for the linx Jim...

  10. Hey Ken...
    Been a long time, my friend! Good to see you again!

    I know several people that like the wine pretty well! The greens, I understand, are very tasty in a salad!

    Thanks so much for dropping in today, buddy! It's been too long, ya know?

  11. OK I.m good with that story. :) just made some phone calls for the differant banks and brokers can't really do anything without the certificates. Thats fine by me but don't think you know who is happy. Even the broker had a good laugh over the interest thing. Oh well guess I will head over to the house and pack up more stuff. Wanted to have toast and oh no toaster. I sure wish this was finished.
    Talk at you later.

  12. Hey JoJo...
    Good luck with all the banker types! I hate to say this, but better you than me...

    I'll see ya when you get back!

  13. Dandelion wine is yummy too! :)

  14. Hey Edain...
    Yep, it is indeed! Almost as good as coffee...!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  15. Hi Jim,

    I finally bookmarked the almanac site, you get so much wonderful info from there!

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hey Lydia...
    A lot of fun and interesting facts to be found in the Almanac, for sure! I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for coming over today...

  17. It almost past dandelion time here - too bitter for eating as greens & blossoms are gone too.

    Weeds can give a good indication of the state of your soil.

    Also, if you want a natural pre-emergent herbicide go to the feed mill and get some corn meal gluten. You would have to plant plants & not seeds or wait until the seeds you do want are growing good, but cmg works great. Doesn't harm anything and adds nutrients to the soil too. Pretty cheap if you get if from a feed store but very $$ if you buy it from gardening catalogs.

  18. Weeds?? What are they?.....I let the chooks out LOL
    Thanks for the links Hermit, loved them!

  19. Hey Stephanie...
    That's some pretty good information! I'm glad you could share it with us...

    Thanks for the tip on saving some money as well! Always good...

    Thanks for coming by...

    Hey Molly...
    I would certainly do that but I can't have chickens here in the big city!

    Thanks, Molly, for coming by!

  20. Well, that makes me feel better about my weeds, lol. I think I'll just start calling mine a wild garden. Because believe me, it's gone wild with weeds. Crops are pretty sad shape but weeds are doing wonderful. Thanks for the links too my friend.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  21. Hey Bullseye...well, at least something in the garden is doing well, right? Something is better than nothing!

    Thanks for coming by, brudda...
