Thursday, June 11, 2009

This Is Way Too Cool...!

I usually don't do this, but I thought this one was just too cool not to share!

There is a LOT of truth in this video...besides, is is just too funny not to share!

Not too bad a way to start a Thursday...don't you think?

Now , my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit. Maybe we can talk about our Future(?)...


  1. ...yep...i've said it before,youth is wasted on the
    ...and i'm only

  2. Hey Ken...
    Couldn't agree with ya more, my friend! Man, I can't tell ya how good it is to have you around again...

    We been missing ya, buddy!

  3. lmao-Good one Jim.

    Glad I'm not a baby boomer-work till your 93? That would suck.

    Coffee time

  4. Lol, very funny stuff there - yup, 46 here and yes, life was mainly pi$$ed away. Like Garth Brooks said, "I'm much too young to be this damn old . . . "

  5. Ohmuhgoodness, Mister Hermit, Sir - that was hi-lar-ious!

    Thank you, thank you, for providing a good chuckle to start the day.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. Good morning Mr. Hermit,
    That was so funny. I migt have pissed it away but I don't remember much of it. So maybe I had a great time,or is that why I have so many aches and pains now.
    LOL. Beautiful morning for the patio and coffee with good friends
    befor I head back over to empty out more stuff. Left you an e-mail before I crashed and burned last nght.

  7. Thanks for the morning laugh. I can relate.

  8. That's a good one HJ. Didn't piss away my youth so much as made some wrong choices in partners. Still managed to pretty much have "one-hell-of-a-life". Always figured I'd work till I dropped so better enjoy it while I could.

  9. You've outdone yourself on this one! What a riot!

  10. Hey Tony...
    I can't even imagine working util I reach would indeed suck, bigtime!

    Thaks for coming by, Tony!

    Hey Anon 5:48...
    Garth had it right ith his song title...

    Thanks for the visit this morning...

    Hey K...
    I love to make folks smile a bit early in the day! Helps get 'em through sometimes, ya know?

    I really appreciate you coming by7 this morning...

    Hey JoJo...
    I guess if you don't remember it much, you must have had a good time! Probably right about that being where the acks and pains came from!

    See ya in a bit, dear!

    Hey Rae...
    Strikes home in a couple of spots, doesn't it? Has to be taken in a humorous way, that's for sure!

    Thank you for your time this morning, Rae!

    Hey YOF...
    Poor choices were way too many for me to count in my younger day, my friend!

    I do appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

  11. Hey Catman...
    Glad you like it, my friend! Some of the lines in the song just really crack me up!

    Glad you could come by this morning...!

  12. Still laughing buddy, too funny. Thanks for giving me a good start to my morning.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  13. Hey Bullseye...
    It is pretty funny, isn't it? Made me laugh pretty good when I firsat saw it, that's why I wanted to share this morning...

    I appreciate your coming by, my friend!

  14. Haha, thanks for sharing that with us all, Uncle Hermit.

    Nothing like laughter to start the day out right. :D

    Have a great day, my friend.


  15. Hey Felinae...
    Always a pleasure, my lady! One of the joys in my life, i find a way to make folks smile a bit from time to time!

    I do so much appreciate your visit...

  16. Good one, Herm! At least the nursing home should be a lot fun by the time we get there (NOT)! Thanks for the coffee.

  17. Hey Carol...
    If it ain't fun, we'll appoint ourselves to be in charge of the Fun Brigade! Every group needs one, ya know?

    Hey, I thank you for the visit today!

  18. Hell I started feeling older when I realized that all the "boys" playing football on Sunday were younger than I.

    Great video, Jim. Thanks for posting this, it made me laugh at myself!

  19. 10/4 on the Fun Brigade! Be sure to let me know which nursing home you're in so I can put it down on my list....slurp...this coffee is delicious..what'd you do to it?

  20. Hey Eddie...
    Sometimes we just have to laugh a bit at ourselves to stay sane!

    Seems like all you see on the tube anymore are all the "youngsters"..

    Sometimes I think even the coaches are younger than me!!

    Thanks for coming by,Eddie...

  21. LMAO - thanks Hermit! Holy crap I am older than dirt - or at least feel like it anyhoo!

  22. Hey ErniesJourrney...
    I know the feeling well, believe me! Some days are just dirtier than others...!

    Thanks for th visit, my friend...
