Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Grandpa Would Be Proud...!

I'll just bet that at one time or another, nearly all the country boys reading this had a harmonica!

If you didn't, maybe your grandpa or grandma did! I had many of them in my younger years and even while I was in the service. Small, easy to carry, cheap (at least back then) and if you practiced enough you could really make it sound good!

My Grandma King played one...and my Uncle Bill as well. Country folks that liked the sound of a little music on the front porch or in the parlor. Harmonica music seemed to go with just about anything, but was really a nice compliment to a guitar.

Now, a harmonica on the front porch or in the parlor is one thing, but can you imagine how far removed it seems from a place like Carnegie Hall? I mean, hundreds of folks all decked out in tuxedos and fancy dresses to hear some average looking man with a small little harmonica...sorta boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Well, this is no ordinary man! His name is Buddy Greene, and what he does with his little harmonica just proves that even folks in tuxedos and evening dresses can appreciate a true talent, and a well done treatment of a classical piece!

Who knows? There may be one or two people in the audience that had a harmonica when they were young, or who can remember grandpa or grandma or Uncle Bill playing one on the front porch or in the parlor!

Just goes to show that sometimes we are more alike than we may want to admit. Know what I mean? Of course you do...!

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit...and I'll play you a little ditty this morning.OK?


  1. I have one, but I cannot really play. I make my own noise. But it is fun.

  2. Hey Wyn...
    The good point is that we can make our own music and dance to what others can't hear!
    Seriously, they are a lot of fun, aren't they?

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

  3. Loved that so much I had to post on my blog with a link back to you Hermit, thanks! It was fun, and a learning curve!

  4. Morning HJ,
    Awesome!!! I've got an antique my wife bought me and I play at it sometimes. Makes me wish I didn't have a tin ear.

  5. Hey Molly...
    Thanks for the link back! I'm glad you liked the music this morning...and I appreciate you dropping by today...

    Hey YOF...
    I know what you mean about the tin ear, believe me! I can play enough to get by, but this guy is way better than I can even ever hope to be!

    He sure had those fancy dressed folks tapping their feet, didn't he?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

  6. Good morning Special One,
    My dad used to play and he wasn't a country boy and my ex played he was a country boy. One day he and dad sat out on the porch and played for a little while. It was fun.

  7. Hey JoJo...
    Like I said, sometimes we are more alike than we could ever know!

    Also, music has a way of bringing us closer together, I think!

    Appreciate you coming by for a cup, Lady! Been waiting for ya...!

  8. It's been a while since my uncle Ed
    played guitar and harmonica to entertain the family. That was before TV. We had one radio and listened to I love a mystery and Gangbusters . My grandmother liked to listen to Stella Dallas.

  9. Hey Vlad...
    I can remember a program called "Boston Blackie"...and of course, the Lone Ranger!

    Making our own entertainment is something we should try again! Someday we may have to...

    Thanks for coming by, Vlad!

  10. Thank you, Uncle Hermit.

    That was some pretty impressive playing. I enjoyed listening to it this morning. :D

    Have a wonderful day!


  11. Hey Felinae...
    As always, the pleasure is all mine!I'm glad you enjoyed it, and glad you could come by today!

  12. Hermit, that put a grin on my face from ear to ear! Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    It does make a man proud to hear such a down home type instrument used to both amaze and amuse these very surprised folks, doesn't it?

    Hell, I have to admit, I totally enjoyed it myself!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  14. Awesome!

    The Evil Genius has a harmonica...I gave it to him when he was four, and he likes to play with it. I think every kid should have a harmonica and a pocket knife (if not a terribly sharp one), along with some string in his/her pocket...but I may be a wee old-fashioned. The EG doesn't have the knife, yet...maybe in the next year or two...when he calms down a little...

    Thanks for the music, Mister Hermit, sir.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
