Monday, July 13, 2009

I've Solved The Mystery...!

For a long time, like many others, I've been wondering just how the government comes up with the methods they use for spending our money!

Well, being the tireless researcher that I am, I have finally solved the mystery! I have uncovered some secret video from the bowels of the accounting offices. This video is vintage, and is still used to train the current folks that write the budgets and give out the money!

When you see how their minds work, all the facts start falling into place! I must warn you ahead of time, after watching this video you may change the way you pay your please use caution!

Now, if you can start to understand this system, or if you can almost see the accuracy of this may qualify for a government job in accounting!

See, Hermitjim is always watching out for you! BTW, I probably shouldn't mention it, but this made perfect sense to me! Pretty scary, huh?

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio before it gets too hot!


  1. Mr Hermit;

    And I always thought 2 + 2 = 4

    Glad I can't qualify for a government job.

    Need the coffee bad this morning toclear my head.

  2. That's still how it's done in State and Local government. The newer federal method involves 538 monkeys and their staffers doing very much the same thing. It costs much more money and moves much more slowly that way. It isn't nearly as funny.

  3. lol leave it to you to find these things. But yes it is perfectly clear to me too.

  4. Hey Tony...
    I guess our conventional way of counting isn't going to work anymore, with the way the government does things now.

    Thanks for coming by today, my man!

    Hey Ranger...
    Guess the way they work is to take something that should be easy and work at it until they make it hard and impossible to understand.

    No common sense to any of it!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    Did I get you confused this morning? Doing math this way will kinda make you dizzy, won't it?

    Thanks for dropping in, sweetness!

  5. Hey Vlad...
    How are ya this morning? Glad you could drop by!

    Grab another cup, my friend!

  6. Why do you link to an absurd left-wing, Kos-kid website like 'a world quite mad'? Surely you don't agree with that BS...

  7. you know what a short trip it is to confuse me. lol Have good day, thanks for the coffee

  8. Hey Anon 10:24...
    There are a lot of links that I have on here from a long time ago. I haven't reworked my site in a while.

    I don't think of myself as a left wing or right wing supporter...and for the most part, I am quiet about my politics. Exception being when I'm voicing displeasure over a government action!

    I do appreciate you dropping by today...

    Hey JoJo...
    Nothing wrong with a short trip, as long as the scenery is good!

  9. Thanks for making me laugh out loud yet again, Uncle Hermit. I loved the clip.
    It also gave me an idea for Dad's birthday present, Abbott & Costello dvd's. :D His birthday is not until September, but hey it never hurts to plan ahead.

    Have a wonderful day, my friend.


  10. Hey Felinae...
    It is my pleasure to help put a smile on your face, and a birthday idea for dad in your thoughts! I'll just bet he will be surprised and glad to get it as well!

    Humor like this just never goes out of style, it seems.

    I sure am glad you could drop by today...

  11. Don't that just about "sum" it up! Nyuck nyuck nyuck! Oops, wrong guys....

  12. Hey Mayberry...
    Good to see you, buddy! I reckon that does about sum it up for sure!

    Hey, I do appreciate you coming by today, my man...
