Friday, July 24, 2009

How About A Little Scotch And Soda...?

Did you ever just happen across a song from the past that seemed to show up just for you?

That's what happened to me yesterday. Then today, after getting up and trying to sort things out a bit, this song kept coming back. I don't exactly know why, but there it was. Kinda like a sign, ya know?

I have a feeling that the muses felt that I needed a break from worry and from the bad feelings that were building up.

The song is just mellow...that's the only way that I can describe it. The blend of harmonica and guitar has always been a soothing sound to me, so I guess that's the reason this song came up when it did!

Whatever the reason, I welcomed it. I welcomed the peace and comfort I felt as I listened to this song. I must have listened to it three or four times...and each time, I felt even better than the time before.

To maybe help in starting out your day with that same mellow feeling, I wanted to share it with you, OK? OK!

Now, my friend, what do you say to a fresh cup of coffee on the patio? We can just sit and continue to "mellow out"!


  1. Thank you for sharing that arrangement, Uncle Hermit.

    I enjoyed it, I'm not certain that I've heard that piece before. You were correct, it was mellow and relaxing.

    A piece that I like and also find to be mellow and soothing is Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller.

    Now I shall find my spot on the patio and have that cup of coffee with you.

    Have a wonderful day, may it continue to be worry free.


  2. Hey Felinae...
    The first time I heard this song, it was sung by the 1960's by the Kingston Trio...liked it ever since!

    There are words to it, but I like the instrumental version best!

    Ah, Glen Miller...! I have a complete collection of his recordings on a group of cds! Good stuff!

    Thanks so much for the coffee visit today...!

  3. morn'n, yall
    nice to start the morning with good company, good music and good coffee.

  4. That is funny the subject of this came up (song creating memory of time). I was on vacation last week with lots of road time (south Texas / OKC / Houston triangle) and with kids in back immersed in DVD Land and wife with MP3 player / headphones (didn't want to hear the rear background noise), I was left to myself to pass the time.

    I began humming a tune I didn't recognize at first, then remembered it was sung by Jerry Reed in 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies (East bound and down, loaded down an trucking, we're going to do what they say can't be done. We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there . . .) yeah, music is funny that way. Circumstances bringing totally unrelated thoughts - I haven't thought about those movies in a long time.

    Maybe keeping an eye for Bufort T. Justice had something to do with it, lol.

    Anyway, good post. Have a great weekend.

  5. Hey Vlad...
    It is a good way to start the day, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Anon 6:08...
    Music has a way of doing that! Pops up out of no where and suddenly, you have a rush of memories long hidden.

    Music can be so linked to things of the past, it's scary! And it can definitely help to control the mood!

    Hey, thanks for the visit today...!

  6. has anyone here used olive oil in guns?

  7. Hey Vlad...
    I've never used it, but see no reason why it wouldn't work!

  8. Good morning, at least now I can say that. Good music after being woken by that idiot next door again with his friken radio. But yours helped out some.
    I Have got to get out of here.e Looks like by the 3rd I will hit the road for awhile.
    Thanks my Special Friend. Lets have some of that coffee now and relax some.

  9. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, sir! Nice song...

    Funny you should mention the Kingston Trio - they're playing here in Georgia on Saturday, in Roswell! I gave some thought to going, but decided against - the music would be terrific, I know, but so would the crowd...and I'm not in the mood for a crowd.

    I adore Glen Miller - used to listen to him all the time with my grandfather. Good music is timeless.

    Thanks for the interlude, sir!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey JoJo...
    Glad to hear that you will be hitting the road for a bit! Sometimes we just need to clear the cobwebs...

    Glad the music helped a little this morning! I appreciate you joining me for a cup of coffee this morning, Sweetie!

  11. Hey K...
    I do like the Kingston Trio and all, but not enough to fight a crowd to see them! I gave up the crowd thing a long time ago, although this one would probably be a more mellow one than most!

    somehow I knew you would like Glen Miller as well! Great minds, I guess!

    Thanks for the visit, K...

  12. I never thought a bit of scotch n soda would feel so good taken this early in the morning ... it was enjoyed so much I think I will sit and have a few more. Love the peaceful feeling of sitting out here, a good drop, a wonderful song and even better company. You have certainly lifted my spirits for the day ahead.

    Thank you Jim for being you. This is one lil ozzie that really appreciates all you give.


  13. Hey Missi...
    It's al;ways a pleasure to have you drop in, my friend! Brightens my day a lot!

    Glad you liked the song today...and glad it helped to make your day a bit smoother!

    I really appreciate the kind words from you...and I appreciate the visit, my Aussie friend!
